CHAPTER 1 - Captured

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Woody woke up in a dark room. He could barely see, but he could hear. Or he thought so. If he could hear, there was nothing to hear. But that could also mean he couldn't hear anything. He tried standing up, but he was halted by chains pulling him down. He sat down with a thud.

Good, he thought. I can hear. Slowly but surely, his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He was in a square room, maybe 17 feet on each side. That's a bit small, he thought. He looked around, trying to see if there was anything else in there. The only other thing he saw, though, was his English Mastiff, Georgie.

Georgie looked towards Woody and ran over to him, knocking him onto the ground. Georgie started licking Woody's face. Woody, all the while, was laughing. A lot. "G-Georgie, stop!" he managed to say in between his fits of laughter. Georgie stopped and sat on the ground, panting.

Woody heard footsteps coming up to his little room. He whispered to Georgie, "Go back to where you were, okay?" Georgie trotted back to his side of the room and sat down. The door opened, and somebody walked inside.

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