CHAPTER 7 - The Discovery

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Woody looked around the room. Everyone was moving around, panicking and trying to get everything calmed down. Bubble and Teardrop had been carried away down the hall to the infirmary, and Gelatin had started hyperventilating. Woody ran over to him as quickly as possible.

"Gelatin, calm down!" He grabbed Gelatin by the shoulders, shaking him lightly. His breathing started slowing to a normal speed, but he still looked scared.

"I need to go help." Gelatin grabbed his stuff - a bag marked with a red cross, plus a roll of bandages. He looked at Woody and motioned for him to follow him. They ran down the hall, getting closer to the infirmary,  when we heard a noise from one of the closets. They looked at each other and Woody walked over to the closet slowly. Woody grabbed the handle and carefully opened the closet. Inside was a familiar face, a friend of his from the ship: Flower.

Flower looked at Woody, then Gelatin, then back at Woody. After a pause, which felt like forever, Flower smiled and hugged Woody, getting up off of the ground to do so.

"I missed you, Woody," she said to him. He chuckled. 

"Yeah, me too," he replied. "But, why are you here?" Woody stepped out of the embrace. Flower sighed.

"Promise neither of you will tell?" Gelatin and Woody looked at each other and nodded.  "There was a really pretty girl. She had a ruby necklace on and had bright red hair. I stayed because of her." Gelatin snorted.

"Ruby?" he said. "Sorry to disappoint, but she's not the brightest bulb in the box." Flower looked up and sighed.

"That doesn't matter. I love her." Gelatin shrugged.

"Suit yourself, I guess." He walked down to the infirmary. Woody looked at Flower.

"Welcome to the ship, Flower."

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