CHAPTER 10 - Ship's Helm

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Four led Woody through the ship, walking through a long hallway and coming across a large chrome door. Four opened the door and pushed Woody inside. Four then entered after Woody, closing the door behind him. He walked over to a large seat at the nose of the room, which Woody had identified as the bridge.

Out of the massive window at the front, he could see thousands of stars shining in the void of space. Four cleared his throat.

"Woody. You are a member of the X army's espionage crew, correct?" Woody nodded.

"That is correct."

"You were sent here to infiltrate our ship, correct?"

"And blow it up, sir."

"Instead, we captured you. Did you then send out a distress signal to your compatriots, telling them where you were?" Woody was confused.

"No... no sir. I couldn't and wouldn't. I was being treated amazingly here, I don't wish any of you any harm."

"Then why did you come here and try to blow us up?" Four leaned forward.

"Because that was before I got to know the people here to any degree." Four leaned back.

"Whatever. Your crew still attacked our ship and harmed 45 people. If you would like a list, take it." Four handed him a sheet of paper, which he read over.

Injured Crew Members/Civilians

- Teardrop Splashes, Prisoner Caretaker

- Bubble Pops, Navigator

- Lieutenant Liy Switcher, 4th Squadron

- Bracelety Rings, Civilian

- Private David Slim, 4th Squadron

- Winner Viktoria, Engineer

- Purple Face Screamer, Civilian

- Profily Intraweb, Information Technology Engineer

- Bomby Fusic, Demolitions Expert

- Captain Pen Inkage, 2nd Squadron

- Colonel Marker Inkage, 2nd Squadron

He stopped there. He didn't want to see any more. Woody knew Teardrop and Bubble, and Loser and Blocky had both mentioned Winner and Pen, respectively, but he had no idea who the other 8 he had read about were.

"Every single person there was injured by your friend Blocky Constra," Four snapped. "And you are going to help them." Woody stood up.

"Sir, if I may!" Four rolled his eyes.


"I will help. I'll help by ending this war. If I can end the war, everyone will be fine, I just know it." Four looked skeptical but nodded.

"Alright then. If you say so." He waved his hand toward the door. "Go. Gather help. You'll need it." Woody nodded and ran back to the interior of the ship.

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