CHAPTER 5 - The Attack

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Woody looked around his cell, wondering when it would be time for lunch. He was getting hungry and almost took off his boots to eat them. Again. Suddenly, the door opened. Teardrop walked in. Come on, she signed. Let's go. Woody got up and walked with her.

The cafeteria looked really similar to the one Woody had on his ship. There were tables lined up in rows, and a buffet was at the back of the room. Teardrop waved Woody over to the buffet to get some food. She grabbed some assorted fruits, a grilled cheese, and milk. Woody decided on a buttload of melon, a ham sandwich, and apple juice. The two of them walked over to a table where about 6 people were sitting.

"Hey, Teadster!" said a tan guy with green hair. "What's up?" She waved and sat down, motioning for Woody to sit next to her.

"Who's this?" asked a girl with bright green hair. This is Woody. He's the prisoner from X's Army. Teardrop signed.

"Welcome to the ship, man!" exclaimed the green-haired guy. "I'm Gelatin."

"I'm Leafy!" That was the green-haired girl.

"Lollipop." A tall, purple-haired girl with a white lab coat.

"I'm Ruby!" A short girl with red hair and a necklace with - unironically - a ruby.

"B-Balloony." A tall, skinny guy with messy green hair.

"Oi'm Boibble!" A cheery girl with bouncy blue hair.

"Hi everyone," Woody said, a bit nervous. He didn't know any of these people. What if they hated him?

"Hey, Woodster. Are you ok?" Woody froze. That was what Blocky called him. "Hello?" Oh. It was Lollipop.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." He said. "I'm just a bit ner-"


The whole room shook. An alarm started blaring. Everyone stood up. "What's going on?" Woody screamed over the alarm.

"We're being attacked!" shouted Leafy. "Everyone to your stations!"

Teardrop grabbed Woody's hand and ran towards his cell. But before she could make it, a gunshot fired down the hallway. Teardrop froze, then fell. Woody looked at her now unconscious body. There was a bullet hole. He looked down the hallway and saw a familiar face.

"Hey, bro! We gotta get you outta here!"


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