CHAPTER 13 - Empty Void

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As the pod flew through the empty void of outer space, Woody looked at the Universal Positioning System, or UPS, to see where they were in space. It had been about four hours since they had left Four's ship, and about an hour in, they had decided to turn on autopilot to survive a bit easier. The UPS said the pod was near Numeris, a planet that was thought to be devoid of life until a group of scientists discovered life they dubbed Algebraliens. Four and X were examples of Algebraliens.

Leafy was asleep on the floor, Lollipop had been listening to music for a while, and Ruby was lying on Flower. Woody smiled, knowing that they all were peaceful without having to look at them.

"Hey, Woody." Woody turned around to see who had talked to him. It was Flower. "When are we supposed to be at X's ship?" Woody looked back at the UPS.

"It says we should be there in about eight hours." Flower nodded.

"I figured it would be a while. They only had just left when we decided to leave to fix this whole thing, but ships are fast. X's ship is no exception." Woody nodded as well. "Do you miss Blocky and Taco?" Woody sighed.

"Yeah. I... I do. Blocky was being a jerk earlier, but I still miss him. And Taco is always a voice of reason. That's probably why she wasn't there with Blocky. He didn't want reason or order. He wanted chaos so he could get me out of there." He chuckled. "It's funny. I told him I was staying on Four's ship to help repair the damages, and now we're returning to X's ship. The exact thing I told him I wasn't doing."

"Yeah." Flower yawned. "Well, I'm going to go to sleep. Wake me up when we get to X's ship if I'm not awake already." Woody nodded, and with that, Flower laid her head on top of Ruby's and went to sleep. Now, Woody and Lollipop were the only ones awake. About three hours later, Lollipop took out her headphones and laid down on the seats, eventually falling asleep. There were five hours left.

Woody decided he was also going to sleep. He had been up for at least seventeen hours at that point and needed sleep. He easily dozed off in the pilot's seat.

Woody was walking through an empty hallway. On both sides of him were pictures. On the left were pictures of his crew on X's ship - Loser, Flower, Taco. On the right were the members of Four's crew - Bubble, Gelatin, Leafy. At the end of the hallway was a giant picture of him with Blocky on one side and Teardrop on the other. It was silent. Deadly silent. Slowly, he turned around, and he saw darkness. All the pictures had disappeared, and behind him was nothing but outer space. He ventured into the void.

He was floating. Suddenly, a sharp hand grabbed him. He turned to see what it was and nearly died of fright. Behind him was a monster. But it wasn't just a monster - it looked like Blocky. The Blocky monster started pulling him towards it, unhinging its jaw to swallow Woody whole. He tried to escape, but it was no use. As the monster chomped down, everything went black.

Woody woke up in a cold sweat. He had no idea how long he had been out. He looked at the UPS. It said there were thirty minutes until they reached X's ship. As he looked around, he saw that nobody had woken up yet except for him. He didn't want to worry anyone, so he stayed silent. In those final thirty minutes, everyone eventually woke up. Lollipop was first, followed by Ruby, subsequently waking up Flower. Leafy woke up last, at which point they were only five minutes away from the ship. It had come into view, with the docking port being open.

"Auto, deactivate." With those words, Woody deactivated the autopilot system and started steering their pod to the docking station.

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