CHAPTER 9 - Damage Control

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As Woody exited the infirmary, he noticed a bunch of people rushing around the ship in every direction. Most noticeably, Balloony and Leafy were working with three other people: two girls - one with long silver hair tied back in a pink bandana, one with two bright yellow hair clips in her periwinkle hair - and one dude in a wheelchair with red everything about him - red hair, red clothes, even a red wheelchair to sell the image.

Balloony was the first to notice Woody and beckoned him over.

"Woody, over here! We could use the help." Woody rushed over to the five, and Balloony handed him some equipment.

"Woody, these are Saw, Gaty, and Stapy." Leafy motioned over to the other three, who all greeted Woody.

"What can I do?" Woody questioned. Leafy thought for a moment, then perked up.

"Stapy probably could use some help closing up the bullet holes. A lot of them were fired high upwards." Woody nodded.

"That... sounds like Blocky. He never really wanted to hurt anybody, so he would usually just fire off warning shots." Stapy rolled over to Woody and rested his hand on his shoulder.

"Look, man. Don't fret over what happened. Most of us don't blame you for this." Stapy glanced away. "There's obviously the occasional... straggler, but that's alright." He snapped his back up, a smile instantly filling up his face. "I'm pretty sure that if you help fix up the ship, nobody could possibly blame you!" Woody chuckled.

"Thanks." He grabbed the equipment and got over to the wall with Stapy. Stapy pointed at the higher holes.

"Could you patch those ones up there? I would do it, but, obviously, I can't." He laughed, motioning at his wheelchair.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, what... happened? Why do you need the wheelchair?" Stapy chuckled.

"Nah, it's fine man. They were paralyzed during a little mining accident when a bunch of rocks crushed them." Woody gasped. "Don't feel bad, stuff happens to all of us. It's just the way the cookie crumbles. Or, in my case, the rock." Woody chuckled at that one, then turned and got back to work.


*this time skip was brought to you by Blocky's Funny Doings International*


After a bit, Woody had patched all of the bullet holes. He had also helped fix some pipes that had been shot and were leaking. He left the group and went to see what else he could help with when a strong hand grabbed him by the shoulder. He turned to see who it was and nearly jumped back 50 feet.

Standing in front of Woody was a foreboding, tall figure, with bright blue spiked hair and a singular earring in the left ear of the number four.

"Woody Planks. You're coming with me." The person spoke with a raspy voice. "I'm the captain of this ship and the general of the Four Army. I am General Four Algebric. And you are in deep trouble."

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