CHAPTER 2 - Teardrop

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The person walked into the room and took off their helmet. It was a girl, maybe 20 years of age. Only slightly older than Woody, who was 19.

She walked over to Woody. In sign language, she said, Hello. I'm Teardrop. You would be Woody, I presume? Woody knew what she said because he used sign language quite a bit. He nodded his head.

Teardrop signed I have been tasked with taking care of you. First, I need to take some samples of certain things. Is that all right? Woody nodded again. Teardrop took out an empty syringe and poked it into Woody's arm. He winced but didn't scream. When she took out the syringe, it was filled with blood. She walked over to a computer and analyzed the results.

Teardrop walked back over and signed, You seem to be healthy. She then took a strand of Woody's hair. She walked over to a different computer and analyzed it. She also took samples of earwax, skin, and scanned him for any weapons. He turned out completely safe.

Teardrop walked over to Woody and signed, I'll see you later this evening for dinner. I have to eat here with you, so you don't do anything funny. She waved goodbye, walked out the door, and closed it.

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