C H A P T E R - T W O

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Oh Brother

V A L E R I U S ' P O V :

Something itches at my nose and my face contorts in annoyance.

What the hell?

My eyes peel open. They squint, adjusting to the light in the room. I gaze out of the window, noticing that I forgot to close the curtains, tiny raindrops stain the glass. I sigh, my chest evenly rising.

I go to move but become aware of the heaviness on my lap alongside the ache in my back. Why did I fall asleep in such an odd position? My back is on my headboard, my knees up and my eyes slowly start registering the alive kid that sits in my lap.

You've got to be kidding me.

I was hoping that was all a dream. Cazzo.

My chest tighten with my eyes studying the small girl who lays on my shirt. Her pale skin carries the scabs of her scars, her lip busted and a light bruise on her cheek. Her eyes, though, shine a brightness I'm not used to. They hold something unfamiliar.

I don't miss how her body tenses under my eyes. She's scared. Normally I'd revel in the thought of someone shuttering at me but for some reason, I can't help the feeling of dissatisfaction that pounds at my chest. 

Her eyes are hesitant like she's waiting for me to do something, to hurt her.

I don't like that.

"Buongiorno, piccolina." Good morning, little one. I tell her with the rasp of just waking up.

My hand finds her small one, rubbing the inside of her palm, trying to calm her. Her eyes flutter.

Her little worried stare hooks around my chest. She doesn't respond but she doesn't have to.

"I have clothes for you, something better than this." I let my lips lift at the side, forming a small smile to my face.

I immediately drop it when I realize what I did.

I don't let people see me feeling, this child is no different. I won't give into her witchery.

"Why don't we get you in something more fitting?" I refer to my black shirt of mine she's wearing. It tramples over her feet, maybe fifteen times her size.

It almost makes me find humor. Weird.

Eleonora did nothing but stare at me and for some reason, I feel almost like she is trying to wrap her mind around me.

• • •

"Pasta, protein shakes or cooked meals that a child could never chew." I sigh, closing my refrigerator.

Earlier, I noticed the rumble of Eleonora's stomach and then I realized I didn't feed her last night. She probably hasn't had good food in a long time.

My mind traveled back to the new— what Americans call 'Brunch' spot a few blocks down. It's the best I can do for now so I decided on taking Elli— Eleonora over to the restaurant. We sit in the back as my driver drives, Eleonora sits huddled on my lap. She stares out the tinted window.

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