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Disclaimer: I only own my oc's

Tony's POV:

"Tony just calm down. It's not that big of a deal! So what she didn't tell you right away, who cares!" I grumbled at her words. She wasn't getting this. 

"No, no, no. She didn't just forget to tell me or postpone it, she lied! I-I guess I'm just worried it's not the only thing she's lied or "forgot" about!" I used air quotes when saying forgot.  

"Tony, the point of being a family is trusting each other, and besides, she's a teenager she's always gonna be hiding something." I glared at her, because she's really not helping.

"Thanks Pepper. That makes me feel so much better!" She sighed, "Tony, if raising a kid was easy,....It wouldn't be raising a kd." I laughed at her failed attempt at a metaphor.

"And those were Pepper Pot's wise words of the day!" I said clapping sarcastically. She hit me on the arm. "Shut up!"

Sam's POV:

I knew I should'e told Tony, but telling him would have made him curious and then he would ask questions and do tests and I just can't do that right now.  My head is running at a thousand miles per hour, and has been for days. Somethings wrong, but I haven't been able to figure out what. It's like one long headache, and thousands of thoughts being hurled at me all at once. It was kind of a steady and not so bad at first , but today it's been pounding and it feels like at any moment I'm gonna.....


Author's Note:

Sorry it's so short, writer's block sucks!!!!!! PLEASE post any ideas or changes you would like to see, in the comments, I NEED ideas!!!! AND ALSO PLZ VOTE !!!!!!!

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