The Truth

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Author's Note:So this chapter is a little sadder but every story needs a littler sadness (for now *laughs maniaclly*) Anyways, also pleas like or fav or whatever its called and comment, I love opinions, and input on where you think this story should go!!!!!

Tony's POV:

"The background check is complete, sir." JARVIS spoke, waking me up. 

"Ugh, JARVIS what time is it." I grumble. I've strictly told JARVIS no matter what I say the night before to never wake me up before 6'.

"It's 10:00, sir." That woke me up, there is nooo way I slept that long.

"What about m 8 o'clock wake up alarm."I know he's an artificial intelligence, but I deffinetely just heard him sigh, hu, I guess he's even more life like then I originally thought. 

"No sir, it's 10 o'clock pm." ooooooo that made much more sense. I began to walk to the elevator to head down to my lab and see what JARVIS found. I had finally reached the lab.

"Ok J plaease pull up everything you found." Again I heard the sigh!

"Right away sir, and please refrain from calling me J." My eyebrows rose at that who does he think he is. So I said in my most posh british accent mocking the annoying AI.

"And please refrain from talking back....J" sigh. Suddenly I was surround by information concerning Salma. There was a lot on this girl, as if reading my thoughts JARVIS said,

"Some of the files were government encrypted. And were quite hard to hack." Ok, that was suspicious. She's a 12 year old girl why are there secured government files on her. I openned the most important looking one and read it. By the time I was finished I don't know if I wanted to cry, or just run upstairs and give her a hug. Of course I decided against both, but the feelings were still there. I remembered my earlier comment 'she looked like she had all the worlds secrets in her head." While not close to accurate, it might as well have been, she was hiding A LOT. How was I supposed to confront her on this. It's really not just a topic you bring up randomly. I suppose I'll have to do something like take her and Pepper to dinner and then cofront thte issue, but of course I'll have to tell Pepper before the dinner or she'll kill me. So plan of action...I tell Pepper tomorrow morning before Sam wakes up, then invite her and Sam to dinner after they're don shopping and I install the punching bag. And at the restaurant I'll talk to her about it, plus it'll be harder for her to ru to her room considering we'll be in public. Perfect! Now I need sleep.

Sam's POV:

I woke up quickly to the sound of someone screaming. Only to realize it was me who was screaming. I hear someone running down the hall and only a moment later Tony and Pepper came bursting through my door.

"What's wrong?!" Pepper gets out only a half a second before Tony. I wave my hand in the air as to say no big deal then said,

"Nothing it was just a nightmare." Pepper gives me a sympathetic look, but Tony looks away awkwardly. He knows something and I plan on finding out what.

"Tony, is there anything you'd like to tell me." He looks shocked to say the least, he must think I'm stupid. Pepper gives him a inquiring look . Tony plays witht the end of his shirt awkwardly, staring at the floor.

"I read some encrypted files... on you." Never have I gotten up so quickly, I caught him off gaurd, grabbing his wrists and pinning him to the wall. My voice turned dark and raspier, my eyes focused on his eyes,

"You did what?!?!?!" I remember where I am and notice the fear in Tony's eyes. I quickly dropped my hands letting Tony go, I backed up slowly until I reached  the bed and fell on it, I scooted back until I was as far away from them as possible. Pepper looked confused and scared, I wasn't sure what Tony was thinking he was keeping up a pretty good mask. 

"I-I'm sorry, just please leave." Pepper shook her head slowly and said "No. It's fine we're here for you." Tony looked in my eyes (and earlier my files) and new they needed to get out,

"No pepper...Out Now!" Pepper wouldn't budge so Tony picked her up and threw her over his shoulders, she fought him all the way out but he managed. Right as the door shut, I fought it I knew what would happen if I didn't. I breathed slowly in and out and focused all my thoughts on my hand causing a ble glow to form. I pulled my arm back, Then punched the wall as hard as I could. Now there was a huge hole there now. Good, problem averted, for now. Tony came rushing in with Pepper a few feet behind.

"Oh my gosh are you ok!!" I nodded and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Good, I'm glad, now one of you better tell me what the heck is going on!!!!" Tony looked at me and began to open his mouth, but I cut him off

"Might as well tell you,"I sigh and gather up every ounce of courage I have left in me,"It started when I was born, yes my mom died at child birth, but not from complications, I killed her. I was almost like an ustable energy source. My dad blamed me for her death and decided if I killed her with whatever power like substance I was, he would discover everything about it, so basically I became his and his science buddies lab rat. They did experiments on me and discovered everything was controlled in my brain so since I hadn't learned how to control the energy it caused a power surge to run through me in the womb becuz I was distressed. My emotions controlled my 'powers'" I said powers in air quotes,"They tested my brain and did neuro experiments until they had a break through they discovered that using the energy I can cotrol things around me so if I focus hard enough on a part pf my body I could contain all the energy in that part until I let it go, of course being able to control energy meant ALL energy, so technically I can control all elements and things around me. They continued with experiments though, I think it became more of torture then science after that. I finally escaped when a newbie decide to use electrical torture, this caused an eruption in my powers and caused the lab to explode, I don't know if any of them escaped. I was seven when I escaped and eight when I was found."

I was in tears by the end of my story so was Pepper, I looked at Tony then noticed something I never expected to see, Tony Stark had tears running down his cheeks! Tony was the first to speak after a while of silence.

"I didn't know, I just new about the research" he said in possibly the quietest most humble voice he had ever used. After wiping her tears and mine Pepper said,

"Well I don't kow about you 2 but that is certainly enough excitment for me for a night, let's try to get sme sleep we can talk more in the morning." Me and Tony both nodded, and Pepper left. Tony walked over to me and sat on the bed.

"You know, I may not seem like the best person to talk to about all this emotional crud, but I think we can relate in many ways, for instance... are you gonna be able to get any sleep after that nightmare and resurfacing memories, because the same thing happens to me a lot." I nod.

"Yea, but I don't think you've had to stay up for nights at a time hunted by memories." I say in a small voice and venomous laugh. He lifts my chin up so I'm looking into his eyes, and simply said, 

"More in common then you think." He got off the bed,

"Follow me, I want to show you something." I got up and followed.

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