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Disclaimer: I only own my oc's

Sam's POV:

I was in my lab tinkering with a robot I've been designing for a while, I finally get to build it after waiting for all the parts to come in. I'm screwing in bolt when a tap on my shoulder causes me to drop the screw driver and the piece of metal. I turn around and glare at the cause for my clumsiness. Not shocked at all when it turns out to be Tony.

"Sorry," he replies nonchalantly "I just thought you might want to know that Bruce and I have found the cause of your problems" His words make me drop the pieces of metal, I just picked up, once again.

"Are you serious?" I practically scream, unable to tame the smile that appears on my face.

"Yup, we looked into all the data, and some reasons most people get migraines and the such, we found that it can mean you're about to grow..."

"So you're saying all this because I'm getting taller!" I reply incredulously.

"Not exactly," Bruce, who I hadn't even noticed walked in until this point, chimed in. He pulled down one of the fancy see through screens Tony made, and brings up an image of two...brains? 

"You see Sam, this is a normal person's brain as it's preparing for growth, and this," He points to the other picture, "Is yours, as you can see there is a significant difference in brainwaves size and surprisingly enough color."

Raising a questioning eyebrow I said, "Okay... so why does any of this matter?"

Tony and Bruce shared a look, which I know from experience means nothing good when adults are involved. They both seem extremely hesitant to speak, Tony is the first to do so,

"Well, ya see Sam we think your brain might be accommodating for growth in another way..." He drifted off.

"Which means?" I was really getting tired of all this tiptoeing, why can't they just say it! Bruce speaks this time,

"We think your brain is preparing for the growth of the unnatural, to a human's body, which would be the reason for all the abnormal signs mixed with the normal ones. Do you understand what we're trying to say?"

abnormal= everything I've been having problems with= growth, of... the unnatural which is...MY POWERS! It all clicked.

"Are you saying I'm about to get another power, which means I'm practically growing into everything that heinous, bastard wanted me to be. And here I thought I had escaped his experiments and would never have to deal with the pain or responsibility of more powers, but here I am at least 7 years later, and I'm still suffering his stupid -"

Tony's POV:

Sam was getting angrier by the second, and I could tell this wasn't going to end pretty,

"-but here I am at least 7 years later, and I'm still suffering his stupid -"

She collapsed.

Author's note:

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