Fight, and Flight

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Disclaimer: I only own my oc's

Sam's POV: 

 "What?!?!?!?"  I couldn't believe the words coming out of their mouths. 

"Boarding school you have to freaking be kidding me?!?!!?"  Tony and Pepper exchanged looks, then looked back at me. What was that about?, I'll worry about it later. Right now my main focus is...

"Why the hell, are you sending me to boarding school!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Tony sighed, and Pepper gasped. 

"Do not use that kind of language, and we just think that there would be less press and it would give you a slightly more normal life." I stared at them I couldn't deal with this now I've already had a terrible day I don't need this, whatever this is, making it worse. I needed to be left alone.I started walking to the elevator, I heard Tony call my name but I just kept walking. I got in the elevator and went straight for my room. I entered my room, my domain, nobody else could get in. As long as I activated the voice controlled lock. I changed into some purple short shorts, a black tank top, and fighting gloves with no fingers and holes for the knuckles. 

"JARVIS, work out playlist please!" Immediately acdc filled my ears, and I furiously began kicking and punching. I heard a knock on my door but ignored it and asked JARVIS to turn the music up. I beat tthat bag until my feet were sore, my knuckles red, and tears were freely streaming down my face. After the first ten minutes I couldn't hold them in anymore. I failed a test and got into a fight with one of my teachers because of it, but to be honest I probably did deserve that grade, my grades have been slipping recently. I dread the day Tony finds out he knows of my capabilities and that my grades should be threw the roof. It's just hard to focus when your the 14 year old in eleventh grade, this school year pretty much just started out and I already can't stand this school. I was wrong about those so called friends, they were just playing me trying to get close to me for my money and my famous dad. Now I'm completely alone at this stupid school. I wasn't planning on tellling Tony or Pepper about any of this of course. It's hard enough at this school do I really have to go to another school and restart complately, at least I know people here. 

Clearly they just wanted to get ird of me,but couldn't bring themselves to admt it. I'll make it easy for them, I'm leaving. I pulled out the largest duffle bag I could find and started packing I grabbed a bunch of clothes and shoes and threw them in the bag. I grabbed my favorite jackets too, and  placed them all in the bag and grabbed my laptop and my phone. I made a huge withdraw from my account. Tony was really rich and had given me a credit card full of money, but if I used that he could track me easily. So taking out all the money seemed like a good idea, I put the money in a brand new account. I decided to leave my fighting gloves on, I looked tougher like that. I took some other little things and zipped up the douffle. I put my phone in my pocket and headed for my bedroom door. Crap! How was I gonna leave without them noticing. I looked out the window, I was atleast 40 feet up. I focused all my energy on my hands until they lit up a brilliant light blue. I busted the window and threw myself out. I again focused all my energy on my hands, I started floating. It actually worked. Honestly I wasn't sure if it would or not. I flew slowly to the ground, and quickly hailed a cab. 

"Where to miss?" The driver said looking at me through to mirror.

"Not sure just keep driving and I'll tell you when to stop." He looked conflicted,

"Are you sure, miss. You look a little young." I pulled out a hundred dollar bill. Which Tony called walking around money.It would have to do until I got to a bank. He immediately started driving and I couldn't help but smile. People will do anything for money. We had driven for about ten minutes when I saw a small bank right next to a fancy looking hotel. 

"Stop here." He stopped right in front of the bank. "Thank you, keep the change!" I handed him the whole one hundred. He looked shocked but quickly recomposed, 

"Thank you," He pulled out a small white card from his pocket and handed it to me. "You ever need a cab I'm your guy, just give that number a call." I smiled at him, he had this grandfatherly essence that made you want to trust him. 

"Thank you, I will!" I waved as he pulled off. I walked over to the bank and pulled out 200 in tens. My stomach grumbled, and I checked the time. It was 5:30 and still light out. Seemed like as good of time as any to get some dinner. I looked across the street to see an extremely fancy looking restaurant. I looked down and realised I was still in shorts, a tank top, and a jacket. I decided to check into the hotel first. I did, though I had to lie and say my dad was parking the car and told me to check in. The guy at the front desk didn't seem to buy it, until I slipped him a 20. I walked into my deluxe sweet and pulled out the only skirt I packed, though I think it was an accident. It was a purple skirt that went about 3 inches above my knee. I decided since I had no fancy tops to leave on my black tank and add the leather jacket I brought, I knew i couldn't where my combat boots so I put on the black 4 inch anckle boots to make me seem older.  I put ,my hair in a tight bun. I grabbed my phone and the purse that I stuffed the money in. I walked through the lobby and across the street. It wasn't to busy so I was seated quickly. A boy dressed as a waitor who looked 15 came over to my table and stood there. I stared at him.

"What'd you want?" he said it with the most obnoxious attitude.  I raised my eyebrows. 

"Umm, I think I would like a waiter with a better attitude." I said it kind of snappishly, but he started it. 

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot how high maintenance, spoiled bratts with rich daddy's could be." 

"Oh really, cause if you knew me at all you would know I'm not high maintenance!" He rolled his eyes. I huffed,

"You have some nerve!" He eyed me up and down clearly not expecting me to have fought back at all, he probably expected me to whine for daddy.

"Who are you?" I looked at him in annoyance once again.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought you already knew seeing as how quick you were to judge, but f you must know I'm Sam, Tony Stark's adoptive daughter." He looked suspicious.

"What's Tony Stark's daughter doing in a restaurant alone with no body guards or something." 

"I can take car of my self!" I snapped. "And how old are you, you look kind of young for a waitor?" It was my turn to interrigate him.

"My parents own this place." He said looking around. Now that he wasn't insulting me he was actually kind of cute. He had brown spiky hair and green eyes, and a really cute smile. 

"Well, if your parents own the place I don't think they'd mind if you took the night off and sat with me." He smiled an amazing smile and replied, 

"No, I guess they wouldn't would they." He sat down in the seat across from me, we ate, and laughed, and talked. We decided to go for a walk in central park.

"So you really just ran away?" He asked shocked. 

"Yea," I looked at my feet when I answered. He gently made me look up at him,

"Hey, I get things are tough with them, but you don't actually know they don't want you. That was just your nerves. I'm sure they love you, it seems practically impossible not to." He was looking into my eyes as he said it and slowly moved closer to me, he cupped my face with his hands and slowly brought his lips to mine. He pulls away flustered and embarassed, 

"Sorry, you were just so beautiful under the moon light and I couldn't resist." I laughed lightly,

"Trust me I could've stopped you if I didn't want you to." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously then looked back at me.

"I can take you to your hotel then drive you home if you want." I nodded my head, "Thanks, I would appreciate that." He smiled,

"It would be my pleasure." And with that we were off.

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