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Disclaimer: I own nothing but my oc's

Ah yes Dr.Bruce Banner, otherwise known as the hulk. Expertise in gamma radiation and my dad's "science bro". Since he works with gamma rays Tony thinks he might help with the form of energy radiation coming from me.

"Well I need to see the full body scan, if that's okay, and I need to do one test." He looked between me and dad nervously, he knew I didn't like that, as I'm sure my dad told him. My dad looked at me and then him wearily.

"What kind of test?" Dad asked, Bruce smiled a little. "It's a simple neurological test, no needles, or medicine or anything like that. If anything it's like a psyche evaluation." Thinking it over, Bruce suddenly says, "We won't even have to do it in the lab, we can do it in your room."

"Deal!" Bruce smiled, "Alrighty then let's get going" Dad, Bruce, and I went up to my room I sat in my special swinging chair, Bruce sat on the couch and Dad sat on the bed.

"Okay, I need you to tell me anything stress full that may have happened in the last month." I laughed humorlessly at that, "Can you be more specific?" Bruce looked at Tony, who just shrugged, then back at me. "You know what let's try something else, have you ever suffered depression or any other mental health disorders, other than anxiety, as that doesn't seem to be the cause of this otherwise you would be suffering much more after the episode you had last night?"

I looked at my hands, because my old 'therapist' diagnosed me with depression, though I beg to differ. Trying to decide whether to tell them or not, I got so lost in my thoughts the thing to finally snap me out of it was Tony frantically waving his hand in my face. I blinked up surprised,"Sorry, sorry I-uh- was just thinking a-and stuff..." Tony looked at me concerned and Bruce just looked at me sadly.

"Wanna tell us what you were thinking about." I looked at him hesitantly, "You know it could be vital to the results." He said. I sighed and began to speak, "The orphanage had a therapist, they made all the kids go to, and she diagnosed me with 'depression'. Of course I didn't agree, but..." I looked at the ground, why was this so hard to say? I didn't believe it did I?ugh! this is seriously messing with my head. I looked up and realized they were staring at me, and...I'm crying. Well crap!

"Sam, it's okay. We're gonna figure this out." I nodded my head, but kept crying. "Okay, well, we'll focus on that later but as for now..." Tony and I looked up at him and couldn't help but snicker a little. "Yea go ahead, ask away!" Tony chuckled at my sudden change in tone.

"Has there been any...hormonal changes...?" Bruce asked, coughing a little as he said it, clearly embarrassed. Tony raised an inquiring eyebrow and I laughed, when Bruce glared at me I immediately stopped. Because Bruce was a nice enough guy, but I'd rather not meet the Hulk.

"Ummm- I've been dating a new guy?" He looked at me skeptically, "Are you sure 'cause you don't sound sure?" I sighed, "Yes, I'm sure! I just wasn't sure if that's what you meant!" I replied snappishly.

"Okay I'll put down boyfriend, and puberty, because quite obviously you need an attitude check!" Bruce said. Tony burst out laughing, and I glared at them. I crossed my arms and huffed, sure it was childish, but I couldn't care less. They still weren't taking me seriously so I decided to pull out the big guns! "If you don't stop I'm getting Pepper." Tony immediately stopped and looked at Bruce signaling him to stop. I smiled, I win! "Any other questions?" Bruce pushed his glasses up his nose slightly, and recollected his notes.

"No, that should be good enough for now. Though, I might ask you some questions at other times in the week, I'm gonna do some tests in Tony's lab with the stuff JARVIS got and that stuff I've gathered, um I'm gonna have JARVIS monitor you, i-if that's okay?" I nodded my head "Yea, that's fine, I guess"

Tony moved next to me, and pulled me into a hug. "Everything's gonna be okay!" He kissed my head, and walked out of my room with Bruce in tow. I wasn't sure if he was talking about the depression or the fact I could possibly die, but something tells me it was both.

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