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Severus and Lily ran down the seemingly endless corridors to the Hospital Wing.
They both knew every second counted. Because at any moment, a teacher could turn around the corner. And that would have been the end of both Severus and Lily. "Severus, wait a minute.", said Lily and stopped abruptly.
Severus stopped and looked at the girl nervously.
"We don't have time. We have to hurry, or someone else might see us. Lily, come on!", Severus whined and hopped impatiently back and forth.
But Lily ignored his request and looked around carefully.
"I think I heard something.", she whispered.
Severus, who was now nervous and scared, grabbed his wand. Lily did so too.
Pressed back to back, they looked down the corridor.
"We're not alone, Sev.", Lily said as quietly as she could.
Almost at the same moment, something came hurtling towards them from the other side of the corridor.
It was a bluish flash of light of tremendous speed.
Severus reacted quickly, extending his wand in front of him. He knew that this had to be Stupefy, a Stunning Spell.
"Protego Maxima!", he shouted, and immediately a silvery mist appeared, enveloping Lily and himself.
With a deafening noise, the bluish flash of light slammed into the protection shield Severus had just conjured.
"Who in Merlin's name attacks us?", Lily asked irritably, keeping close behind Severus.
A few seconds passed in silence.
Severus' heart pounded with fear. However, it wasn't out of fear that he would be hit by a spell, but Lily. If anything happened to her, Severus would never be able to handle it.
"Come out, you coward! Show yourself!", he shouted. It took him a hot second until Severus realised what he just said.
As brave as it may have sounded, Severus would have preferred to run away with Lily. After all, he didn't know who had attacked him and Lily. Maybe it was an Auror. Maybe they were wizards of the dark side who just enjoyed killing. In any case, the situation was serious.
It took a moment for the unknown attacker to actually respond to Severus' words.
In the dark, at the very end of the corridor, something was moving. It was the silhouette of a person who was slowly coming closer.
Next to the unknown person, there was something else to be seen.
It was a creature whose yellow eyes glowed dangerously in the dark.
Fearfully, Lily clung to Severus' arm and held her breath tightly.
"You disgusting, ungrateful, filthy snake." the person histed threateningly and came closer together with the mysterious creature next to him.
The dim light that fell through the large windows made it clear that the creature was a dog. The unknown dog had black, shaggy fur and was almost the size of a wolf. Severus held his breath as he saw who was the mysterious person walking beside the fearsome dog.
It was Remus Lupin.
Remus was dressed in the green Slytherin uniform that Severus had exchanged with him in the abandoned classroom.
His usually loving and innocent eyes sparkled with pure hate.
Severus took a step backwards. He was unaware that the effect of the The Full Body-Bind Curse had already worn off so quickly.
"Lupin, I didn't leave you in the classroom on purpose. Please, you have to believe me ", Severus said, so in shock that his voice was just shaking.
The black dog next to Remus bared its teeth and a deep growl echoed through the dark corridor. Severus thought about if he should first defend himself against Remus or the dog. But what Severus truly wanted was to avoid another duel even though it was perhaps the only way to get to the Hopital Wing.
Before he could make a decision, Remus had already pointed his index finger at Severus and shouted: "Padfoot, kill Snape!"
The dog quickly dashed towards Severus and Lily without hesitation. His long claws slid over the cold ground.
"Remus, no!", Lily screamed and clung tighter to Severus' arm, which had gone numb by now.
But neither Remus nor the dog reacted. Padfoot continued dashing, was only a few meters away from the two and jumped.
Adrenaline shot through Severus' veins.
He had to do something.
As fast as possible.
The easiest way would have been to kill Padfoot. Casting one of the Unforgivable Curses wasn't much of a challenge for Severus. But he didn't want to kill anyone. Whether a beast or human. He wasn't a murderer.
So he decided to cast a Impediment Jinx.
The black dog froze in its motion and crashed on the ground. Padfoot was now paralyzed for a short time without being injured.
"Lupin, listen to me. I didn't hex you on purpose.", Severus shouted, trying to remain calm even though panic was just overtaking him.
Lily, still clutching his arm, nodded in agreement.
"It's true, Remus. Sev's already told me the whole story. It really wasn't his intention to hex you. Sev only did this so he can save James' life.", said Lily, looking at Remus with a penetrating look. For a brief moment, she thought Remus understood that this was just a misunderstanding.
"Sev is a good person. He has a pure heart." , she said and blushed slightly as she remembered the wonderful kiss of earlier.
"Enough! Stop it!", Remus shouted angrily and pulled out his wand, "Snape is not a good person and does not have a pure heart! He's just using you, Lily!"
Lily's deep green eyes filled with tears.
She didn't know how much those words would tear her heart apart. It was painful and hurt more than anything else in the world.
Lily opened her mouth to contradict Remus, but she couldn't. Her throat was feeling like it was tied up and no sound left her rosy lips.
Remus' gaze fell on Padfoot who remained paralyzed on the ground.
"Get out of my way! I want to kill him! Snape has already done so much damage! Because of him my best friend is dying!", Remus roared furious.
Suddenly, Lily stepped in front of Severus and spread her arms out to protect him.
"I'd rather die than let you hurt Sev!", she shouted.
Severus widened his black eyes in shock. Had Lily really just said that? Would she actually sacrifice herself for him if there was no other way?
Carefully, Severus placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Lily, I-"
Severus couldn't finish his sentence. Remus had fired another spell at him.
"Quick, you run to the Hospital Wing! I will try to stop Remus!", Lily said, performing a Shield Charm.
The Stunning Spell of Remus crashed into the protection shield Lily had just created. For a moment, Lily did fear that the shield would break. But she knew that Remus and she were both equally strong. So it wasn't a question of who was more powerful, but who had the better technique.
"Are you sure?", Severus asked hesitantly.
"Merlin's beard, now go!", Lily commanded, creating another protection shield.

Severus ran as fast as he could to the Hospital Wing. He was overwhelmed and chaos ruled his mind. Every single thought, no matter how small and unimportant it was, drove him crazy. After a while, Severus finally reached the front door, which led to the Hospital Wing.
Without knocking or thinking if there was a teacher in the room, he tore the door open. Severus stormed across the room and stopped right in front of the only occupied bed. He opened the green curtains of the bed.
A heavy and acidic smell of decomposition rose up Severus' nose.
In front of him was James.
His face was still almost completely wrapped in bandages, all of which were bloody.
James' skin had turned extremly pale.
His chest was moving irregularly and disturbingly slow.
Severus pulled out his wand and looked around. There was no Madam Pomfrey, no teacher or student to see.
He leaned down a bit and placed the tip of his wand on James' crushed chest.
Severus closed his eyes for a moment.
He took a deep breath.
"Vulnera Sanentur."
Slowly, the blood that covered the bandages around James' torso disappeared as if it was being soaked up by an invisible sponge.
Severus smiled.
He was happy that his own healing spell and counter-curse worked without any problems.
"Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur.", he whispered in a calm voice, watching as more and more blood disappeared.
The deep wounds and cuts closed as well, and within a few seconds a thick scab appeared on each injury.

Five Sickles - a Snily fanfiction (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now