Alliances and Poison

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Alliances and Poison:

Warning: Mentiones of mental abuse, thoughts about suicide, and smut.

It had all begun when we were children...Me and Loki never liked each other. We were from different realms that could't foster peace but we saw each other as children when my family visited Asgard. My father was the king of our realm so I would make frequent trips with him to try and foster peace. My father felt since I would be the next ruler of the realm I should accompany him. While him and Odin would discuss I would be sent to play with the young princes.

Thor was always sweet to me but Loki would always play cruel jokes on me. One time he turned my hair into snakes which he knew I was scared of. Another time I was in the gardens admiring the flowers and I bent down to smell the flower and it turned into another snake that lunged and bit me. Loki was forced to apologize by Thor but I knew he didn't mean it. I was around 10 at the time of these events. Now I'm 21 and I haven't been back to Asgard since I was 14 or so. My realm and Asgard had finally come to an agreement so there was no reason for our visits anymore, much to my relief.

I was now 21 and I played an active role in my community. I would be the next leader in fact so I felt the need to get to know my people. One day my father summoned my presence because he had something to discuss with me. When I arrived he sat me down and began to tell me of the recent problems with Asgard. They were on the brink of war and he suggested a marriage between the two kingdoms. I told him I thought It would be a good idea to help foster peace. He seemed surprised by my answer. As he continued to talk about the alliance he mentioned the word 'you' and I finally understood why he was shocked. He wanted me to marry the prince. After consideration I agreed to marry Thor for my people. He then proceeded to tell me that Odin declined Thor the throne and I would be marrying Loki. After careful consideration I agreed because this was for my people. Surely living with Loki and becoming the queen of Asgard couldn't be too bad. Right?

I asked my father why I had to marry the prince and not one of my other sisters who weren't first in line for the throne. And his answer was probably the most shocking news from the conversation. I was told that Loki declined marrying my sisters and asked for me specifically. I knew from there he had something evil planned for me.

~2 weeks later~

It was now the day of the wedding. I hadn't seen Loki since I was 14 and couldn't imagine what that scrawny boy that played cruel jokes on me turned into. I placed my veil over my head and walked down the aisle. I kept my head down and walked up the stairs. Once I was on the top of the steps I looked through my veil to see the most beautiful man. He had grown out his hair to his shoulders and his green eyes were more beautiful than I remembered. He wasn't scrawny like he used to be but not overly muscular. Just perfect. And tall oh so tall.

As the wedding went on it was time to remove my veil. Once he removed it there was a look in his eyes. I couldn't place what it was. It was a mix between desire and...hatred?

We kissed, sealing my fate for the rest of my life and went to the after party. Everything was gold and green. We cut the cake and even danced. He was being perfectly charming. I had put up a wall to make sure I wasn't embarrassed or hurt by him and he was slowly knocking it down. At the end of the party he gave me a gift in front of everybody. I opened it and, I should have known, out jumped a snake. I screamed and everyone laughed. I laughed with the rest of them even though deep down I felt sad. I thought he really liked me but now it was clear he just wanted to make a fool out of me. The party ended and I got into a carriage with Loki to go back to my new home, the palace. This was the first moment we would have alone and I wasn't sure what to suspect.

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