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"Ms. Y/n, it's 8 o'clock and you asked me to wake you" JARVIS spoke through the speakers in my room. "Thank you JARVIS I'm up." "My pleasure Ms. Y/n"

It was Saturday and I was beyond excited. Thor was coming back from Asgard today and bringing his younger brother, Loki, with him. Odin had decided that since Loki couldn't respect mortals he would have to live among them until he could. When Thor told the avengers I was probably the only one excited about it. They still hadn't forgiven him for New York and they all warned me that he was dangerous. I had never met him but I didn't want to judge him just yet.

They were coming at 10 so that gave me plenty of time to get ready. I showered and curled my hair and then moved on to get dressed. I was kind of feeling lazy now so I just decided to wear high-rise jeans and a black long sleeve shirt tucked in. I also left my y/h/c curled hair down.

It was 9:50 so I headed to the living room to wait and I saw all the avengers there dressed up in their suits. "Guys is that really necessary? I asked annoyed as this wasn't a welcoming thing to do. "Yes, it is" Tony said. "You don't know him like we do y/n" Steve spoke. "Yeah can't forget he mind-controlled me" Clint piped up. "Alright alright" I said, giving up.

At precisely 10 the elevator doors opened and out came Thor and a tall pale man with dark raven hair. That must be Loki I thought. Wow, the team never mentioned how handsome he was. Thor looked around and spotted me. "Lady y/n" he boomed "Thor!" I ran up to him and gave him a big hug. He hugged back... a little too tight. "Thor I need to breathe." I said a bit strained. "Oh sorry lady y/n" he said and loosed his grip.

Loki stayed back behind Thor. "Hi, I'm y/n. You're Loki?" He looked at me and smirked. "No mortal I'm Thor." I was a bit taken back that he called me mortal but I looked past it because he probably didn't want to be here.

As the weeks went on I tried more and more to become Loki's friend but he wouldn't let me. He called everyone else by their name except he called me mortal. He didn't get along with everyone but was civil with them, except for me.

I had secretly developed a crush on him so every time he called me names or said something rude to me It hurt me a little and brought tears to my eyes. But I would never let them fall or let him see them.

I had learned that Loki liked to read just like me so I went to the bookstore and bought some Shakespeare plays I thought he would like. I went to his room to deliver them to him and knocked. He came and opened the door and said "What mortal?" Trying my best to not break down I went into his room uninvited. "I saw you liked to read so I bought you some classic books from here that I thought you would enjoy. "Oh well thank you mortal. Just leave them on the desk and get out." I put them on the desk but stayed in his room. His small act of kindness has given me some courage. "Loki, do you want to hang out later." "What part of get out do you not understand mortal and no" "Loki why don't you like me?" "MEWLING QUIM! I SAID GET OUT YOU PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A WOMAN!" With that, he threw me and pushed me hard with his godly strength against the wall. As I hit the wall I fell down and everything became blurry. I wasn't sure if it was injuries, crying, or crying because of the injuries. I used all my strength to stand up and run out. Before I ran through the door I let out the biggest sob as I felt blood trickled down my shoulder and his words sunk in.

I ran to my room and cried and cried. My shoulder started to feel worse so I went out of my room still crying to find bruce. I found him in the lab and once he noticed me crying and my bloodied arm he threw his equipment down and rushed over to me. "Y/n!! What happened to your shoulder?" "I fell" I lied. He didn't believe me but nodded seeing I was still shaken up by it. He examined your shoulder and cleaned it up. He then scanned it and confirmed I broke my shoulder. He said it would take 6-8 weeks to heal and I would have to wear a cast. He gave me some pain medicine and sent me on my way.

As I walked back to my room I silently cried about the event that just occurred and then I bumped into something. I fell back and hissed as I couldn't break my fall with my arm. I looked up to see Loki. "Watch where you're going quim" My eyes immediately filled with terror and I shook my head struggling to get up. "I'm so sorry Loki please don't hurt me again I'm sorry."I said sobbing. His expression softened as he saw my tear-stained face, cast, and some blood trickling from my shoulder from the fall. He reached out his arm and I flinched. Then my flight or fight instincts kicked in and I chose flight running to my room.

The next few weeks I avoided Loki at all costs. When he ate dinner with the avengers I wouldn't join them and wait until everyone was done eating and left for their rooms before I ventured out. I would cry myself to sleep thinking about the words he said to me.

I was starting to feel crazy with the amount of time I spent in my room. I decided to walk to the library since no one ever went there. I made it to the library and found a book. As I was walking back to my room Loki stepped out of his and it all came back to me. We made eye contact and my eyes filled with tears. I ran back the other way towards the elevator as I heard his heavy boots follow after me. "Wait" he said but I ran faster. I made it to the elevator and pressed the ground floor just in time. I made it to the ground floor and decided to walk to the park and read there.

It was a nice spring day as I walked through the park looking for a place to read. I found a spot under a shaded tree and began to read. I started to feel better. As I got into my reading I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

 I looked behind me and there stood Loki. I looked down again not trusting myself not to cry. "I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you hate me Loki. Please don't hurt me again. I'll leave you alone I promise. Just please don't hurt me." Loki didn't say anything, he just stood there. It was quiet so I assumed he left but then I felt his arm wrap around me. He sat down and pulled me into his lap, his arms around my waist cuddling me close. This was weird I thought. I sobbed some more against Loki's chest. When I calmed down he spoke. "Y/n I have to admit something to you. I don't dislike you. It's actually quite the opposite. I'm deeply in love with you. I never felt this way so I was rude to you trying to push you away. And I guess it worked but now you're scared of me which is not what I wanted. I'm so sorry for calling you those names and hurting you. I didn't mean any of it." I felt my heart flutter that he loved me. "I love you too Loki. And I forgive you." We sat there in the park together in each other's arms reading the rest of the day. 

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