You're Beautiful

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You're beautiful:

Very minor spoiler warning for Loki episode 1:First part of this chapter is very personal and the loki parts will come later. This is a very short chapter and I wrote this very fast but I just needed to write this for myself or any other person who feels this way as a reminder.

A year ago I had a clear face. But over the past school year my acne got worse and worse. My aunt, who is a dermatologist, put me on Bactrim Ds to clear it and it started to work. About 5 days in I had a headache, my eyes were sensitive to light, and I overall felt weak where I only left my room twice one day. This lasted for 3 days until one morning I woke up with rashes all over my skin. And for the cherry on top this occurred all during finals week.

After that I found out I was allergic to sulfa drugs. So I decided to visit another dermatologist to get a second opinion. I was prescribed more oral medicine but my aunt said it was too low to do anything. So she recommended I go on accutane. I did my research on it and found all kinds of horror stories and side effects.

She assured me that there were more side effects for the bactrim medicine I took than accutane, which I was never told about before I started taking the medicine. And someone had died from it. From there I couldn't listen to anything my parents said about it or my aunt because it felt as if they had kept me in the dark.

So here I sat trying to make my decision while their worlds ran in my head "it will scar", "you don't want to look like this the rest of your life" "listen to your aunt she knows more than you do"

Part of me felt like accutane was too big of a commitment for me. I would have to go for monthly blood draws and doctor check ups, go on birth control, and go on a website monitored by the government. Another part wanted my parents to stop bringing it up and therefore take the medicine no matter the commitment or side effects.

As time went on I still couldn't make a decision. I started to feel less and less beautiful and my confidence started to lack. One day I was crying in my bedroom because I heard my parents talking about how I needed to go on accutane in the kitchen like I couldn't hear them. It had also made me sad because one of my favorite shows loki came out today and I was waiting for tonight to watch it and now my mood was bad.

I decided to listen to Stop This Flame by Celiste to cheer me up and watch the show. Right after it ended I couldn't help but smile over how good the first episode was and how much it had cheered me up. But then my family's words ran through my mind and I started to cry again. All of a sudden a flash appeared before my eyes. 

There stood Loki in his TVA jump suit and white shoes. My mouth dropped. "Why are you crying darling?" Not caring anymore about embarrassing myself or how this was possible I spoke. "I'm not pretty anymore because I have pimples. And I don't know what to do anymore." I buried my head into my legs.

I felt the bed dip and an arm wrap around me. "Darling you are pretty. In fact you're beautiful. Never let anyone bring you down for your appearance when you are this beautiful on the inside and have such a great personality. How you look doesn't define you or your worth" he said, squeezing me in a hug."T-thank you. But how are you here?" "Ah, that reminds me. I have to get going. I'm on the run from space lizards." He said laughing and disappearing.I didn't even question what just happened. I got up and turned off my light while new words ran through my mind. "How you look doesn't define you or your worth", "great personality" "you're beautiful"

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