Going Home Early- Part 1

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Note: This one is kind of long at 3001 words. 

Going Home Early (Part 1)

I was sitting in yet another boring biology class. I couldn't take much more of them. Every day we would take notes for all 50 minutes. We had just started a new unit on Ecology and were talking about abiotic and biotic factors. When I wasn't taking notes I would doodle or come up with new ideas for my stories on Wattpad.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by a voice on the intercom. " y/n y/l/n to the front office going home please. y/n y/l/n to the front office going home please." I grinned thinking I got to leave this boring class. I told my friends goodbye and gathered my stuff

I walked to my locker to pack up my things for the day. I practically needed all my textbooks and binders this weekend considering finals were in two weeks. As I finished packing up my things I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why my mom was picking me up early. She never picked me up early.

We didn't have the best relationship since my father died when I was younger. It tore her apart to have the love of her life die. I didn't hold it against her that she couldn't be a proper mom for me. She had a lot to deal with, but so did I. She may have lost her husband but I had lost my dad.

As I started to make my way to the office, eager to see what could be so important for my mom to pull me out of school I ran into someone after I took a few steps. I fell back a bit but caught myself surprisingly considering it felt like I was carrying bricks in my backpack.

I looked up to see a tall man with piercing green eyes, pale skin, and black shoulder-length hair. He was so handsome, especially with those cheekbones. I had never seen him before and I knew my school didn't let parents past the office.

Feeling a little uneasy I backed up a bit but ran into something hard again. I whipped my head back to be faced with the same man. 'What the fu-" I thought to myself before I felt a prick in my neck. I saw the man smile as everything became blurry.

My legs gave out before I could attempt to get away. I collapsed but strong arms caught me and lifted me. I couldn't do anything so I fell into a dreamless sleep.

I felt myself coming back to consciousness but I didn't want to. I feel so tired. I moved my hand and felt soft linen sheets on me...and a nice comforter and mattress. And there is some kind of weight on me? A weighted blanket maybe? I don't own a weighted blanket! I slowly open my eyes trying to take in my surroundings. I have a pounding headache though and just want to go back to sleep but it hurts too much.

I look around the room I'm in and I see a desk, 2 velvet green armchairs, a fireplace, maybe a closet and bathroom. Then I spotted my backpack. I groaned and pushed back the covers. I pushed them back to reveal I was wearing a black tank top and grey sweatpants.

Feeling exposed and cold I rushed over to my backpack. I took out a hoodie I had in there and a scrunchie to tie my hair up. I looked around for some Advil in my backpack and found 2 tablets. I grabbed my water bottle and quickly swallowed them.

Even though I probably had just slept for forever I needed to try to sleep and get rid of my headache. I slowly walked back over to my bed and dove in under the covers. I was so comfortable I immediately drifted off to sleep.

The next time I woke up it was daylight. I had no idea what time since there was no clock and I couldn't find my phone. Looking outside my windows if I had to guess I would say it's around 8 or 9 in the morning.

I decided I had enough of being here and needed to find a way out. I got out of my bed and walked over to the windows. I looked around trying to find some sort of lock or latch but came up empty. I then decided to try breaking the windows with my water bottle but they wouldn't break.

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