I want to go back to AP Gov

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I want to go back to AP Gov:

I was bored out of my mind. I was sitting in Ap gov minding my own business while my teacher ranted about the difference between Pacs and Super PACs. "As we've discussed, PACs have limits on who can donate to them and how much money can be donated. While Super PACs can receive money from anyone without a limit on how much money is donated." He spoke.

"And who can tell us out of the 15 supreme court cases you need to know for the Ap test which one created Super PACs?" He asked. As per usual no one raised their hand so he decided to cold call. "How about y/n." He said. "Um...Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission." "Yes. Good job" he said.

I smiled happy that I had gotten it right. "Alright class I'm going to give you the last 15 minutes of class to study your flashcards for your test or study from the Princeton review."

I pulled out my Princeton review to start doing practice problems. I was about 5 in when suddenly I felt some air gush behind me. I just passed it off as the air conditioner because it was always so cold in my school. I looked up to get some water from my water bottle only to see my teacher staring right at me with a shocked expression.

Before I could question his facial expression something sharp and cold was placed on my neck. I gasp when I feel it and don't dare move my head an inch because if I do it will definitely cut into me.

I am now faced with a dilemma. I have powers. I don't know where they came from or how strong they are but what I did know was to never let anyone know. Just look at the avengers. Some of them had magic and people either loved them, were scared of them, or were after them to get their magic. I didn't need that in my life. I was graduating from highschool in a few months and could finally focus on opening my bakery.

I decided to take a chance and use my powers. Only problem was that I've never been in a situation like this so I had to improvise. I knew once I had accidentally mind controlled my middle school bully. But I never did it again. I took a second to think about my situation and the anger bubbled in me. I worked hard to maintain my simple life and some jerk was trying to take it from me. With that I found myself in their head.

But I was quickly booted out of there. I feel the person behind me shift down still holding the sharp object to my throat and whisper "Nice try but my magic is far too strong for you darling." I knew that whoever this guy was was smart, knew magic, and had a really hot voice.

I started to feel light headed and my head swayed back a bit. My eyes also started to blur and I passed out into the dark. My final thought before this was at least I'll be safe in the dark.

I start to wake up and my first thought is I'm going to be late for school. I force my eyes open and pull my covers back. I step on the floor and my eyes shoot open. This is a hardwood floor but my room has carpet. I quickly look around the room realizing that this is not my home.

It suddenly all comes back to me and I feel like I've been hit by a car. I stumble back a bit, hitting the bed. I also realize that I'm wearing some sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. Along with two matching silver bands. I decided to take a deep breath and assess my situation. Okay I've been kidnapped, I don't know where I am, but I have magic.

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