The Assistant

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The Assistant:

Requested by @EightWeasley (Sorry it took so long and I hope you enjoy!)

"I said I'm breaking up with you!" screams Tom's girlfriend of two years. "But I thought everything was good between us. You told me you loved me!" Tom yelled back. She scoffs and huffs back, "I never loved you, I loved your money. The only reason I put up with you and your ridiculous books, plays, and even your dumb dog (No disrespect we stan bobby here) is for the money and fame." Tom stood there bewildered about how foolish he could be. This woman was standing here telling him the last two years had been a lie. She was breaking his heart and he still wanted her.

"I'm leaving. Don't call me. Goodbye Tom." She said and walked out the front door. Tom stood  shocked in place. After a few minutes it hit him that she wasn't coming back. He collapsed on his couch and closed his eyes as a tear fell down. He ended up falling asleep for a while escaping to his dreams.

When Tom woke up he was in a very different state from when he fell asleep. He wasn't sad anymore or regretful. He was filled with pure rage. The amount of time that woman wasted just for his wealth. It honestly shocked him that someone could be so cruel.

He looked down at his watch realizing it was already 11 and he had an appointment to discuss some new styles for the Thor: Ragnarok premier. He internally groaned and got up to get ready.Across town on the 20th floor sat an assistant making appointments for her boss and ordering new fabrics. She had been up since 5 this morning to catch her bus to her train to work. She lived in a bad area far from her workplace. She had already been working here for 3 years and had learned a lot about design. In her freetime she would sketch new designs hoping one day they would be worn.

During her break her boss came running in. "Y/n? My best stylist just quit right before one of our top clients is coming! Where is stacey?!" She said in a rushed tone. "Um she called in sick today." She said looking down at the schedule. "What? I don't have any stylists in the building today, the rest are at the convention. What am I going to do?" Her boss said, looking around frantically. She looked down at y/n's desk and paused. "What are those?" she asked, referring to her sketches."Oh um, just some sketches I've been working on." She said, embarrassed that her boss saw them.

"You did those? Hmm... You're in the meeting today. If the client likes your ideas then you have the open stylist job." Her boss said looking straight into her eyes to show she wasn't joking around. "Really? Oh thank you so much! I won't disappoint you." Y/n responded. "You better not. Or you'll be getting coffee the rest of your days. Also victoria has expressed an interest in the stylist job and she will be in there too giving ideas" her boss said starting to walk away. "Wait! Who's the client?" "Tom Hiddleston! Be in the conference room in 5 minutes!" her boss yelled back.

She internally screamed and groaned at the same time. Tom had been one of her biggest celebrity crushes and she had always wanted to meet him. His passion for his work and love of books was so admirable. She had heard he was so kind and knew she had this promotion in the bad. With her new promotion she could finally move into a nice apartment near work away from the bad part of town. But Victoria has always been her enemy. She was rude when she got here and was always putting her down. Nevertheless she couldn't stop smiling. She grabbed her sketches and headed to the conference room.

Tom sat waiting in the conference room. The meeting should have started 3 minutes ago and he was annoyed with their tardiness. On the way up to the room many people greeted him which he ignored. Finally three women walked in. One was on the younger side carrying a sketchbook, one was a few years older, and the last was the head of the department. The one with the sketchbook greeted him. "Hello I'm y/n it's nice to meet you." Tom kept his blank expression and replied "you're late." Her smile fell but she brushed it off.

The meeting started with y/n giving her ideas. "Well you could go with a plain brown suit along with a white shirt and dotted tie." "No" was all Tom said. "How about a navy blue suit with thin white lines going vertical and a lighter blue shirt inder with the same lines?" "No," he replies again. "Um how about a checkered suit, light blue shirt, and darker tie?" He scoffs at your ideas. "How have you made it this far with those ideas?" he asks in a condescending tone. y/n was taken aback by his words and tone. But mostly just his overall rudeness.

Your boss interjects. "How about we hear some of your ideas victoria?" "I was thinking about just a classing black suit." she says. "Perfect," Tom replies. Y/n sat there shocked knowing Tom usually had a bit of fun with his outfits. "Alright Mr. Hiddleston, can you come back next week for your fitting?" "Yes, I'll see you then." With that he walks o

ut leaving a smirking victoria. "Alright Victoria you got the promotion." your boss speaks.

Victoria's smirk grows. "Sorry y/n not all of us can have good ideas." she said walking out. Y/n sat for a few moments thinking about how in a matter of minutes her dreams were taken away. She wouldn't be able to get her apartment, her sketches would never leave her journal, and she would be stuck getting coffee.

~One week later~

Y/n sat at her desk scheduling the appointments for this week. All of a sudden a shadow cast over her work. She looked up to be met with him. Thomas Willliam Hiddleston. She sat there looking up wondering what he wanted. "Can I help you?" She asked in a sweet fake voice, obviously annoyed with him. "Erm...yes." Tom responded, taken back by her rudeness. "Could you direct me to the fitting rooms?" "Up the elevator to the 17th floor. Make two rights and it's the last door." She responded by going back to her work. Tom lingered another moment. "Anything else?" she growled. "No," Tom said and left. She huffed, turning back to her work.

Y/n would see Tom once every week. Whenever he came in they would fire insults at each other. Tom once had the audacity to ask her to get him coffee. About two months after the original incident her boss came up to her. "Y/n, Victoria is out sick and no one else can take Mr. Hiddleston's measurements. I need you to do it." She nodded because she needed to get back in with her boss and sucking up was the only way to repair the damage.

She slowly headed up to the 17th floor. When she arrived he was waiting. "Oh it's you. I thought you only ran errands." "Trust me I don't want to do this either. I'm trying to repair the damage you caused to my life." "What do you mean by that?" Tom asked with a concerned tone that almost seemed genuine. But she wasn't taking it. "Just forget it,'' she said, rolling her eyes. While taking measurements, Tom breaks the silence. "Wow you're much better than the other girl. She always pokes me. And dresses me in boring suits. All she ever does is change the tie and give me a black suit." Y/n smiles and shakes her head. "Why do you smile and shake your head?" She looks up for a moment making eye contact before returning to her work shaking her head again.

A few more minutes go by before Tom speaks again. "Y/n why are you so rude to me? You were so nice when I first met you." y/n scoffs.

"I've worked so hard. So hard these past 3 years. I get up everyday at 5 to catch my bus to the train station. I take the train and have to walk two miles to work everyday. I work weekends. I don't take vacations or days off.  And I'm so exhausted but I work so I can pay the rent for my crummy apartment in the worst part of town. I've always wanted to design clothes and have been sketching for years. I work as an assistant getting coffee and scheduling. But I still work my butt off. I finally had the opportunity to get my promotion to a stylist. And I could finally design and move closer to work in a better apartment. But of course no. You don't like my designs, instead you like my rival's ideas better and she gets promoted. She can't even design. She puts you in a black suit! You know I used to idolize you. You were so passionate about books and your work and everyone just said how kind and giving you were. But I guess it was all fake, no one is really kind hearted.." Y/n finished her rant looking down.

"Y/n...I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ruined your chance at a better life and your dreams." Tom steps down off the stool and surprises y/n by wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a hug. "Please forgive me y/n. I'm not like this. I don't like the person I was to you. Please forgive me." Y/n is surprised by this but what surprises her even more is the words she says next. "I forgive you. Can you forgive me?" "Of course darling," he says, pulling her closer. "In fact I think I'm going to go talk to your boss about getting a new stylist named y/n. I recall liking her ideas." Tom smiles. "Ow!"  Tom exclaims. Tom looks down to see she poked him with her needle. "What was that for?" "For being an ass." Y/n smiles. Tom smiles back.

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