Code Red

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Code Red:

This story was requested by Daddy_Dracos_Slut 

Loki and I have been dating for 6 months now. We moved in together 2 months ago. Even though I wasn't an avenger he convinced the team to let me stay at the compound with Loki and we shared a room together.

Since I started to live with him I had hid my period from him. I didn't want it to affect our relationship even though it's natural and every woman goes through it.

Surprisingly, I had succeeded with this for the past two months and hid all traces of pads, tampons, and cramps. Until this morning.

I woke up due to bad stomach cramps along with my lower back hurting. "Great" I mumbled to myself. It was a week early and since I wasn't expecting it I had taken no precautions. I got out of bed making sure not to wake a sleeping Loki next to me.

I sprinted to the bathroom to take care and clean myself up. It didn't take too long but all I wanted to do was go back to bed and snuggle with Loki til I fell back asleep considering it was pretty early in the morning.

I opened the bathroom door to find Loki sitting up in bed still a little sleepy. "Good morning darling" he said, yawning after. "Morning Loki," I said, making my way back to bed. As I pulled back the covers to get in I heard a gasp from Loki.

"Oh my dear there is blood where you were sleeping. Are you okay? Do we need to go see bruce?" He panicked, jumping up to search me for blood.

I mentally slapped myself for not thinking to check the bed. "I-I'm fine Loki. Really it's just a code red and nothing to worry about. Happens all the time." He looked at me in horror. "Darling you're bleeding all the time? We need to get you to the hospital." Loki said, starting to get dresses.

I laughed at him a bit. "don't worry, it's just that time of the month." I said with a small smile. "You mean you bleed every month?" Loki asked in confusion.

"Yes" I nodded. He still seemed worried. "Loki calm down. There is nothing to worry about. The communists are just in the fun house."

Now he looked at me like I was crazy. "What are communists and where's the fun house?" I couldn't help but laugh at him.

It took me a moment before I calmed down. "Loki, do you know what a period is or menstruation?" I asked. He shook his head no so I sat him on the bed and began to explain.

"Well every month the lining in my uterus is shedded and I bleed from my vagina. The lining is used to protect a baby if I were pregnant. And since I'm not, the lining is shedded and I bleed once a month. For me it lasts about 7 days. But it varies from woman to woman." I explained.

"Wow, I never knew about this. Asgardian women don't go through this." "Wow lucky them' I laughed.

As I finished explaining more cramps hit. "Ah, another thing I need to mention is we get cramps almost everywhere, like right now." I said before collapsing into the bed clutching my stomach.

"What do they feel like?" Loki asked curiously "Like my insides are being stomped on and twisted" I said while shoving my face into the pillow.

"Oh my darling I'm so sorry." he said laying down with me and wrapping his arms around me. He faced me and pulled me close so my face was in his chest and began to rub my back soothingly trying to calm me down.

Eventually I fell asleep in his loving arms. When I woke up again Loki had come back into the rooms carrying bags from Target.

"Ah hello darling. Glad to see you're up! How are you feeling?" "Hmm better but my lower back hurts." "Oh I'm sorry, hopefully I have some things to make you feel better. I talked to Natasha and Wanda and they gave me some advice on what to buy." He said excitedly.

First he pulled out a heating pad, then a weighted blanket, chocolate, sugary candy, and chips. "And for the grand finale... I got your favorite love story, Pride and prejudice" he said, pulling the movie out of the bag.

I couldn't help but smile at all the trouble he went through to make me happy and feel better. I started to tear up a bit and his smile faltered. "Darling I can go back and get different stuff if you don't like it. I repeatedly shook my head no. "No Loki, I love it. Sorry my hormones get a little wonky and everything makes me cry, I couldn't be happier to have a loving boyfriend like you to take care of me." His smile returned. "I'm glad you like it. Now how about we stay in bed all day?"

" I would love to." Loki put the heating pad on me and then sat behind me where I was sitting in between his legs and laid the weighted blanket on top of us. The movie started and we snuggled while watching the classic love story. "I just love this story so much!" I said silently crying at the end. " I know my darling I know" Loki said, placing gentle kisses on the top of my head. 

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