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Schlatts POV:

Me and Tubbo got out of the car and knocked on Quackitys door, hoping he hadn't already fucked up. He quickly answered the door quickly and invited us in. "What's the difference between a cup and a teaspoon?" "A lot is different dumbass." "Leave me alone Schlatt it was just a question." Sometimes Quackity concerns me, especially when it comes to baking. After we successfully made a pizza from scratch for some reason, me and Tubbo stayed for a bit, until we were sure Quackity couldn't fuck anything up. Then we headed home, since I had work tomorrow and Tubbo had school. We got home shortly, since Quackity's house is in walking distance.

3rd person POV:

Schlatt and Tubbo got home, and watched tv for a while eating dinner. Since they both had things to do in the morning, they went to bed at 10:00. Or so Tubbo thought. Tubbo hadn't noticed but at 10:30, his father had snuck away to the club. It was 4:00 in the morning. Crash. Tubbo walked downstairs to see what had happened in the kitchen, and was greeted with a drunken Schlatt. Tubbo was shocked. Did Schlatt do this often? He didn't think so, but how could he know for sure. Schlatt noticed Tubbo. "Hyey gogo adn egt me a beer wuold yuo?" Tubbo could barely understand what Schlatt was saying. He managed to figure out that he had asked for a beer from Tubbo. The small child didn't know what to say. "I don't think that's best for you right now dad..." Tubbo managed enough courage to say. Schlatt grabbed an empty beer bottle from the counter. Bam. Straight into Tubbos eye. Tubbo ran upstairs and locked the bedroom door. Lucky for him the bathroom was attached to the room, and the bathroom had all the bandages and medicines. Tubbo cleaned himself up as best as he could, but there was a huge mark on his face, that didn't look like it would go away for about a week. "Fuck..." Tubbo mumbled. You can't really expect him to not curse, he lives with Schlatt after all. Tubbo set his alarm for the morning, so that he wouldn't have to unlock his door so that his dad could wake him up.

Tubbo woke up to his alarm, set before his dad would wake him up, so that Schlatt wouldn't realize the door was locked. Schlatt had cleaned himself up, in an attempt for Tubbo to not notice what had happened last night. Too late. Tubbo came downstairs with a huge bandage over his eye, he was keeping his head down so that Schlatt hopefully wouldn't notice. Once again, too late. "Tubbo what happened?" Schlatt asked, fully unaware of what he had done. "How was your night fuckhole?" Tubbo said, angerly before getting his backpack and starting to walk to the door. "I didn't do anything what the hell Tubbo!" Schlatt raised his voice, still unaware of his actions. "YOU DID THIS ASSHOLE." Tubbo yelled, obviously fired up. "I did that...?"


Cliffhanger haha, no I'm kidding I'm working on the next part while you read this, but it might be a bit if you click on this immediately. Anyways, have good day/night!


Mistakes were made (Dadschlatt AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu