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Tubbos POV:

I spot a familiar house, and notice that the lights are on and I can hear a Tv on inside. I hesitantly knock on the door, and faintly hear people arguing over who gets the door. "I got it last time its your turn to open the door!" "I opened the door for the pizza guy!" "Just go get the door before they leave!" "Fine but your getting the door next time dickhead!" The door creaks open quickly. "Tubbo what are you doing here at 3 am?" Tommy asks concernedly, inviting me inside.

I explained what had happened and apologized for coming so early in the morning, and uninvited. "Aw man Tubbo I'm sorry to hear that, let me go tell Phil about what happened and he'll know what to do. In the meantime, go watch Tv and sit on the couch." Tommy ran up the stairs to go explain to Phil. I sat down on the couch, while Techno and Wilbur sat in chairs beside the couch. "Tubbo I heard what happened, are you alright?" Wilbur asked, just as concerned as Tommy. "Uhm, well I'm not injured so I guess it could be worse." I laugh a bit, out of anxiety.

Tommy soon come running down the stairs, with Phil tiredly following him. "Tubbo do you have any other family members that you could live with or at least contact?" Phil asked getting a cup of coffee. "No I don't, the only family member I know is my dad." I say quietly. "Well, we have a spare room that isn't being used. And I'm sure that Tommy would love having you stay." Phil said smiling. "But I don't want to bother-" I was cut off by Tommy rushing me to the spare room. "You can stay right? The spare room is right next to mine! It'll be so cool you have to stay! Phil could adopt you or something!" Tommy asked so many things at once I couldn't understand a thing he said. "It is my only option, so I guess I could stay if I won't bug anyone." I smile at Tommy. "Awesome yesssss!!!" Tommy ran downstairs to tell Phil the news.

Tommy and I went to go get my things from Schlatts house, so we snuck back hoping that he wouldn't be home yet, since it was 4 am. I unlocked the door and we went to pack up my things from my room. we were just about to leave when we heard the garage door open. "Shit Tommy Schlatts home!" I almost yell, Tommy tried to calm me down, in hopes that we could get out safely. We both panic as we hear Schlatts wobbly footsteps get closer to my room. We quickly get my stuff into a backpack. The door swings open. "TubBo? WhaaaAaaaaaT tHE HeLl arE you DoiNg HeErE?" Schlatts holding a bottle, and is ready to throw it at any moment. "Tommy trust me okay?" "Uh yeah okay Tubbo..." Tommy and I were obviously scared, but had to think fast.

I quickly started to try and open a window that hadn't been opened for years. "Tubbo this is the second floor what are you doing?!" Tommy asks nervously. "Just trust me Tommy help me open this window!" I yell. Tommy quickly try's to help me open the window. Schlatt is slowly getting closer to us, occasionally wobbling. We finally get the window open and Schlatt is raising the bottle, and is almost directly in front of us. "Trust me Tommy!" I yell as I push him out of the window, just as Schlatt throws the bottle. The bottle hits me in the back and I jump out of the window directly after Tommy.

"Holy shit Tubbo how'd you know it was safe if this hasn't been opened in forever?" Tommy asks, brushing off leaves from his clothes. "Well I used to sneak out a lot." I laugh a bit. "How did that bottle not hit me?" Tommy laughed. "Well I pushed you out before it could." I smiled. Tommy noticed some glass shards in my back, and the now blood stained hoodie. "OH MY GOD IT HIT YOU?" Tommy panicked. "Well it had to hit one of us." I shrugged. "Are you alright?? We have to get home before you die of blood loss!" Tommy overreacted. "Chill Tommy I'll be fine we don't have to rush." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE GLASS SHARDS IN YOUR BACK TUBBO!" I laugh at Tommy worrying too much.

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