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3rd person POV:

Tubbo got to school and Tommy greeted him. "Hey Tubbo! What happened?" Before Tubbo could even try to respond, Technoblade interrupted. "Come tell us what happened!" "Don't go with them Tubbo their arseholes." Tommy said quietly. Tubbo didn't want to tell Techno what happened, he knew he'd get made fun of. But before he could go with that plan, Techno walked up to him. "What happened?" Techno asked in a mocking tone. Some people laughed at this. Tubbo wasn't sure what to do, so instead he looked to Tommy. He then saw Wilbur and Dream go and pull Tommy away, of course Tommy doesn't want to leave his friend, but its one vs two. There's not much Tommy can do. But Tommy tried to punch Dream. "So Tubbo?" Techno asks, before pulling Tubbos bandage off. The mark isn't pretty. Its still dripping blood, and its turned red-ish purple. Apparently no one expected for it to be that bad, and they all stop in their tracks. Tommy took this time and ran over to Tubbo, after running from Wilbur and Dream. Tommy grabs Tubbo and runs inside with him. They hear running after them. "Fucks sake guys leave him alone!" Tommy yells, still running. Suddenly they hear the running behind them stop. They turn around and stop running. "Guys what the hell leave them alone!" "Language Skeppy, but agreed, what is your problem?" It was Bad and Skeppy. "Don't be so lame! We were just hanging out! Right Tommy?" Techno states, trying to get Bad and Skeppy on his side. "Fuck off Techno." Tommy says, very annoyed. "Guys just calm down they didn't do anything!" Bad obviously isn't taking Techno's side on this.

The bell rings.

"Hey Tubbo was it? Well you and Tommy meet me by the tree at lunch if that's okay." Bad says smiling. "Sure Bad." Tubbo says smiling back at him.

Lunch Time comes.

Tommy and Tubbo walk to the tree outside. "Don't worry Tubbo, Bad and Skeppy aren't mean like Techno." Tommy says, trying to make Tubbo less nervous. Tubbo and Tommy get to the tree and see Bad and Skeppy. Skeppy is holding what looks like a first-aid kit. "Hey guys! I hope you don't mind Tubbo, but we wanted to patch you up." Bad said smiling. "Thank you go ahead." Tubbo said, happy that someone cared. Bad started patching up Tubbos wound. "So uh do you mind telling me what happened?" Skeppy asked. "Skeppy we don't know if he's comfortable telling us yet!" Bad said. "It was only a question Bad!" Skeppy said back. "No no it's okay, you can ask..." Tubbo whispered. "My dad got drunk, and I wouldn't get him another beer..." Tubbo said quietly. "I'm so sorry to hear that Tubbo..." Bad said softly. Skeppy and Tommy were just sitting there shocked. "Hey uh do you want to come to my house for the night? The only downside is that Techno and Wilbur will be there, but we could try our best to avoid them, and my dad will be there." Tommy asked with a soft smile. "Yeah of course, I would have to tell my dad, he doesn't get drunk in the day...but I'm nervous to ask." Tubbo said shyly. "I could go with you, if that would help." Tommy smiled. "Yeah that'd be great Tommy.

After School

Tubbo and Tommy walked to Tubbo's house after school. When Tubbo walked in Tommy was standing outside still. "I'm staying at a friends house for the night." Tubbo said, pissed off. "Look buddy I screwed up but you'll be back right?" Schlatt asked concerned. "I'll be back after school tomorrow, Schlatt." That was the final straw for Schlatt. "OH FUCK OFF TUBBO." "YEAH FUCK YOU TOO." Tubbo yelled before running outside. "Tubbo are you okay? That sounded pretty rough..." Tommy said worried for his best friend. "I don't know man, I shouldn't have called him that."

At Tommy's house

"Hey Phil! Is it cool if my friend stays over tonight?" Tommy asked while walking into the kitchen with Tubbo. "Yeah sure Tommy." Phil then looked over to Tubbo. "Hello nice to meet you I'm Phil." Phil smiled at Tubbo. "Nice to meet you too I'm Tubbo, thank you for letting me stay." Tubbo said, smiling back at Phil. "Of course." Phil said. Tommy and Tubbo then walked upstairs to Tommys room. "You can take the bed and I'll sleep on a mattress on the floor." Tommy said to Tubbo. "No that's not fair to you!" Tubbo exclaimed. "Fine we're both sleeping on the floor then." "Fine." "Fine." "Fine." (This part isn't shipping! I just thought it was funny I'm not trying to ship them :] )

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