Chapter 17

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I was starting to drive back to the hospital after I dropped Kanny off at his house. Yes I know what of my friends think of him. A blabber mouth that won't shut his mouth at all 24/7. Sure he can be like that at times, but he isn't that bad actually. All he wants is someone to listen to him.

Porrim knows that everyone wants him to stop talking. Its hard for him to stop, but in all honesty most of his lectures aren't that bad. Some of them has gotten me thinking on things.

Haha this is making me smile just for thinking about that adorable thing. Your all probably wandering. Yes I'm with him. It was hard at first with his vows and stuff but he can have his moments when he allows me to kiss him. Even though its hard to hold back on those, I manage to some how make it.

Anyway I finally made it to the hospital and parked the car in the parking lot. I grabbed my leather jacket putting it on and got out of the car walking to the doors. I went to the front desk telling them I was here for my brother. They seen me before from the past couple of days and understood letting me pass. I thanked them and continued.

Once I got to the room I knocked on the door and opened it slowly. As I walks in I saw my little brother laying on the bed with (Name). I walked up closer and saw she was holding the seahorse that our father gave to him when he was a young kid. I went up to him and shook him lightly.

"Psst Eridan. Hey Eridan vwake up."

He groaned and his opened slowly. He turned his head and yawned.

"Wwhat do you wwant Cro..."

"Its time to go home chief."

He sat up quickly and looked at me.

"B-but Cronus! She wwoke up! I don't wwant to leavve her here alone!"

I smirked and looked at him putting a toothpick in my mouth.

"Vwell good, because she's staying vwith us until she's back on her feet."

His eyes widened and he hugged me tightly.

"Thank you Cro! Thank you much!"

"Haha don't mention it besides I knowv you havwen't asked her to be your Matesprit yet."

He looked up at me and blushed a deep violet and I saw his fins flutter a little.

"S-shut up Cro!"

I laughed more and then heard a little yawn. I looked over and smiled.

"Hey looks like your kitten is avwake."

Eridan turned around and smiled.

"Hey (name) your up."

He said to her as he looked down at her. She smiled and sat up looking at me.

"Hey Cronus."

"Hey doll. You look vwell rested."

She smiled and nodded.

"Vwell I'm going to go to the front desk at tell them she's coming home vwith us."

I said turning around leaving.


I tilted my head and looked at Eridan.

"What did he mean by me going how with you guys?"

Eridan smiled lightly.

"Wwell Cro thought it wwould be fin if you stayed wwith us till your better. Is that ok?"

I smiled and nodded happily.

"Of course! I don't mind at all!"

His smile grow a little and nodded. He went over and grabbed clothes that looked like mine and handed them to me.

"Here you can change then. I'll be out there and wwait till your done."

I thanked him and he walked out. I started to change out of the gown and into my clothes. Once I did I started to pack things in the suit case that was there and put the stuff animals in there and walked out. Eridan grabbed my suit case and carried it out of the hospital.

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