Chapter 3: The After Math (Part 1)

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Eridan's POV:

Well the get together was finally over, thank glub! Then again though, I actually had a good time for the first time in what seems like forever. I think I would like to thank (Name) for that too.

Everyone was leaving Kar's house and I was last to go, as usual. As I walked out I see (Name) standing on the sidewalk by herself. 'Hmmm maybe she needs someone to take her home.' I thought to myself. I was about to walk up to her and ask until I see Sollux come up in his car asking her if she needed a ride. My heart sank for a moment and I walked past them not paying attention to them until I felt something poke my right shoulder. I quickly turned around with my violet cape going everywhere. What I saw was (Name) looking up at me. "Hey Eridan I wanted to give you my chumhandle before everyone left so here you go! If you need anything or want to just talk then just send me a message and I'll try to answer!" She said in that wonderful voice of hers.

I stared at the piece of paper not saying anything, or at least trying to think of something to say. Once I did figure out what to say she was in the car with Sollux and drove off. Once again my heart sank down to the floor filled with sadness. I turned back around and started to walk back to my hive with my head looking down at the sidewalk.

I got to my hive in a matter of 20 minutes. I lived in a nice little hive that was next to the boardwalk. What am I saying, my hive was huge not little! But anyway, I walked inside and went up to my room to be antisocial like I always do.

I was on my bed lying down for an hour thinking of what just happened today until I heard a DING, go off from my husktop. I went over to it and noticed it was Sol. Ugggh well let's see what he needs this time.

twinArmageddons (TA) began trolling caligulasAquarium (CA)

TA: hey fii2h face we need to talk

CA: wwhat do you wwant sol i wwas busy doing somefin

TA: hahaha dont make me laugh eriidan we both know you werent bu2y at all

TA: but anyway ii wanted two tell you that you better not mess anythiing up

CA: wwhat are you talking about sol

TA: you and (Name) beiing moraiil2 you iidiiot becau2e iif you do that ju2t prove2 that youll bee alone forever wiith no one iin any of your quadrant2

CA: sol stop being an ass to me and i knoww wwhat wwill happen if i do

CA: jegus fuck can't anyone have a little hope for me that i can do this

TA: there you go agaiin 2howiing all your feeliing2 agaiin and that everythiing ha2 two revolve around you

TA: how about thii2 tiime you 2how 2ome cla22 and a2k her about her feeliing2 iinstead of your2

CA: i dont alwways talk about myself you mustered blooded ass

CA: anywway i havve to go noww so if you havve anything else to say say it noww

TA: dude you are really that pathetiic that you 2ay you dont alway2 talk about your feeliing2

TA: ff tell2 me everythiing that you tell her becau2e 2he ha2 know iidea how two handle you

TA: iim ju2t 2ayiing maybe a2k (Name) about her feeliing2 iin2tead of talkiing about your own

CA: wwhatevver piss off im going and by the wway im actually happy wwhen i talk to (Name) so fuck you

caligulasAquarium (CA) ceased trolling twinArmageddons (TA)

Ugggh that was so stressful. Then again Sol was right I do talk about my feelings a lot. Am I really that pathetic? Then again Sol always says things to piss me off, but he did say that Fef tells him what we talk about. Does she really not know what to do with me. I don't know anymore maybe I should just go to sleep an see what happens tomorrow.


Hey guys, Charlie here! I'm still hiding from Eridan but anyway since this week is the week I work on this book there might be a lot of chapter updates!

Eridan: Wwhere are you, you little brat.

Charlie: Oh shit he's coming got to make this quick! *whispers* so yea just be ready for some chapter updates this week. Until next time CHARLIE OUT!!!

Eridan: Ha! There you are!

Charlie: Whoops blow my cover! *runs away fast* Hahaha can't catch me!

Eridan: Get back here!

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