Charpter 16

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I looked down at her body holding it close to mine and rocked back and forth hoping that she would wake up.

"Please (Name)..... Please wwake up.... I need you.... You can't leavve me noww...."


I turned my head looking up with my violet tears staining my cheeks. I saw Cronus running up to me with Kankri running behind him.

"9h dear g9d! What happened!"

"S-Sollux wwas going to kill me wwith his psionics but out of no wwhere (Name) jumped in front of it and it got her instead!"

Cronus looked over at Sollux and growled walking up to him with pure anger, and lifted him up by his collar.

"You did this! Vwhatevwer you had against my little brother look at vwhat the out come came out of it!"

"ii-ii diidn't mean iit! ii diidn't 2ee her when ii fiired! ii'm 2o 2orry..."

"Cr9nus! This is n9 time f9r an9ther fight!"

"Oh there is a lot of time to-"

"She 6reathing still!"

They both quickly turned their heads and Cronus dropped Sollux running back where Kankri and I were at.

"She breathing!?"

"Yes, 6ut it is very faint th9ugh. We need t9 get her t9 the h9spital at 9nce."

Cronus nodded and put his arms out wanting to help carry her for me, but I stood up with her and started to walk. Her head was laying against my chest still and her one arm dangle down. I turned around Cronus and Kankri were following, but Sollux was gone.

Cronus ran back home and went to get the car. I stood near the road as Kankri made sure she was still breathing. I then sat down and held her close to me. Wandering what's going on inside her head. Cronus finally came and I got in the back of the car and laid her head on my lap. Cronus then started to drive hurrying to the hospital.

~Time skip because I'm lazy as fuck but you love me!~

Reader-chan start to wake up:

Before opening my eyes, I could hear a beeping sound coming from the right side of my ear. I started to move my left hand as I felt something gripping back to my reaction. My eyes opened slowly seeing a bright ass light flashing in my face.

I tried to adjust my eyes a little more then looked to the right and looked up. I could see a heart monitor next to me. I stared at it a little watching it spike up every time my heart would make a thumping sound that was in my own body. I slowly looked up at the ceiling then straight ahead of me of me.

I started to at least try to see and get a better look at my surroundings. There was a lot of balloons in one corner of the room. I then looked in the front and saw that there were stuffed animals in front of me, and they all looked familiar.

There was a crab, a ram, a bull, bee, cat, a koala bear, dragon, spider, horse, a half goat half mermaid one, a squid, and the last one an adorable seahorse. I smiled at it and grabbed it looking down at it. I brought it closer and my eyes started to tear up.

"D-did he survive!? Did I make it in time!?"

I said to myself as I hugged it tightly crying harder into it knowing that I failed him.

"I'm so sorry Eridan.... I never wanted this at all..... You should have never died...."

I sniffles badly and cried more, that's when I heard the door open. I didn't care if that was the doctor I just kept holding the tiny seahorse crying softly.

"(Name)? Oh my glub your awwake!?"


I looked over and saw him. He looked like he hasn't slept in days! How long was I out for? He slowly walked up to me and looked down. His violet eyes showing me that he was going to cry. He grabbed me and hugged me tightly sitting on the bed and had me on his lap.

"Cod your alivve! I can't believve you are alivve (Name!) I wwas so wworried I thought I wwas nevver going to sea you again!"

I heard him sniffle and looked down at him.

"Eridan, how long was I out for?"

He looked up at me, he up there were violet tear stains on his face.

"You wwere out for about 3 days (Short nickname quirk he does)"

"3 days!"

He nodded and looked at me. Then he looked over at the animals and slightly smiled.

"Nepeta though of the idea that evveryone should bring a stuff toy for you, but it had to be their most treasured one."

I smiled and looked at the each and everyone of them. I looked at the bee and grabbed it.

"Is Sollux ok?"

I turned my head looking at Eridan and he looked down and frowned.

"he didn't come and sea you. Kar had to bring it in and told me that Sol wwas reelly mad at himself and didn't wwant you to sea him like that."

I looked down at the soft bee and frowned. He didnt even come and give this to me... I hope he's ok though...

"You probably wwant somefin to drink. Let me go get some for you."

He got up and I turned my head looking at him and grabbed his wrist quickly. he turned and looked down at his wrist then at me blushing a voilet that he tried to hide but I already saw.

"Please don't go. I wwant you to stay."

I smiled as I did his little wavy accent and he gave me a side smile and nodded.

"Fin, but your movvin' ovver"

He chuckled out making me giggle and moved over. He laid next to me and put his arm around my neck and the other around my stomach. I was happy to be in his arms right now. I held the stuff seahorse close to me and closed my eyes falling back to sleep.

Lets be Eridan again:

After a little bit I notices that she fell asleep. Smiling down at her I put my head on top of her and kissed it.

"Swweet dreams, my princess."


Yes! chapter 16 is done! i am think maybe at least two more are coming up soon. then i can finally work on dirk and jake more and a secret book that will be coming soon after this! till next time CHARLIE OUT!!!

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