Chapter 23

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I saw her leave and I sighed turning around and Cronus was smirking at me. I made a worried look at him and he pushed me up the stairs.

"Cronus! Wwhat are you doin'!"

"Helpin' you get ready for you date chief."

"Cro I can do this myself! I don't need your help!"

"Your not going out looking like that Eridan. If she's getting all fancied up for you, then you need to do the same."

He shoved me into what was once my fathers rooms and now was a guest room. He went into his closet looking through things. I crossed my arms not liking this one bit. He finally came out and pulled out a vest that had six buttons in the front and violet down the middle with black on the sides. A nice dress shirt that had white strips and a lighter purple to it, with a white tie to match it.

"Ok so your not vwearin' the black and blue pants. Go look for black pants and change your shoes to a nice pair of dress shoes. I'll fix your hair vwhen your done changin'."

"Cro I don't think dad wwould like it that I'm wwearin' his clothes..."

He looked at me and walked over.

"Vwhy you think that chief?"

"For one these aren't my clothes. And twwo, me and him didn't get along.."

He frowned putting a hand on my shoulder as I looked down.

"Hey, come on nowv. He cared for us. Shore he had a bad drinking problem but look at the positivwe side. The side vwhen he didn't drink. He protected you from vwhen you vwere bullied vwhen you vwere younger, and vwould stay vwith you vwhen you had nightmares."

"True... and wwhen Meenah beat you up for you liking Kankri and not her, he had to go to her mom and force her to apologize, but then somefin happened and he came home all..."

I started to tear up and he hugged me softly.

"I knowv... but if he vwas here right nowv he vwould vwant you to look nice to you soon to be Matesprit right?"

I nodded looking up and him having some violet tears come down my face. He wiped them away and smiled.

"Then go get ready. For her."

I smiled and grabbed the clothes walking to the door. I turned around looking at him.

"Thanks Cro."

"Your vwelcome Eri."

And with that I went to my room and changed. I thought to myself and decided not to wear the scarf and my cape. But my gills need to be clean anyway so I grabbed what I used to clean them and started to clean which only took a couple of minutes. They weren't to bad.

Next Cro came in the bathroom and trimmed my hair a little and put gel in it. I'm not a big fan of gel but it looked good for what I was wearing. We talked a little about him and Kanny and how they were doing and I guess Kans got some surprise for him. I wonder what it could be?

After he was done we went out and went to put the turtle in the truck in a water base container. I went to the kitchen and made food for us.

"Chief! You ready!?"

"Yeah I'm coming!"

I grabbed the basket and went outside and he drove to the beach.

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