Chapter 4: The After Math (Part 2)

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(Let's see what happened after the get together in your prospective)

Your POV:

I was the first one to leave Karkat's house. I walked down to the sidewalk waving to all my new friends goodbye. I stood there for a little until Sollux pulled up in his car. "Hey (Name), do you need a ride back home?" "Sure thanks Sollux but first I need to do something." Just as I said that I saw Eridan and ran to him and poked his shoulder.

I gave him my chumhandle just in case he needed anything or just wanted to talk. He stared at the paper for a while until I heard Sollux calling me, I said goodbye to him as I was walking away but he didn't say anything for some reason. Once I got to the car and got in then I was settled in, I looked in the review mirror and saw him look up like he had something to say, but it was too late to get out because Sollux already started driving.

It was completely silent for a good 10 minutes until Sollux said something. "Tho are you and ED morailth now?" "Morails??? Oh you mean friends!!! I forgot that trolls have a different way for saying friends, but anyway yea I guess so why?" That's when he stopped the car and turned to me.

"(Name) pleathe don't brake out of that quadrant with him. Heth thtill upthet over what happened with him and FF and he jutht needth thome one to keep an eye on him." This shocked me. Does Eridan really have a hard life? I feel so bad for him that he doesn't have many friends.

"Sollux don't worry, I'm not planning on breaking up me and Eridan's friendship or whatever you call it anytime soon." With that he turned to face the road and smiled a bit say, "thatth good." Then headed the rest of the way back to my place.

(20 minutes of silence later!!!)

I finally got home. I went upstairs to my room and put all the trolls I met today in Pesterchum. The cool thing about my version though, is that I can pick songs for each person or troll chumhandle. For example, for Sollux I picked (pick a song you think will fit him) . So when he pesters me I know who it will be just by the theme.

After I was all done with that I flopped on my bed. Today was just perfect and even though I yelled at one troll we still made up, but I had most of the fun talking to Eridan. He was funny, happy, and a gentleman in most parts.

I just don't understand why some people pick on him or just flat out hate him. Hmmm, maybe I'll figure it out later, right now I need sleep.


Hey guys Charlie here, and I would just like to say that this is the last chapter update for this week for this book. But don't worry there will be more!

Eridan: Wwell it wwas fun wwhile it lasted for this wweek.

Charlie: yes it was Eridan and I would like to say sorry that I made fun of your accent earlier.

Eridan: its alright Char. I knoww my accent is fun to havve so don't wworry.

Sollux: Not ath fun ath mine though.

Charlie: Sollux where the fuck did you come from!?! Know what, I don't want to know, but anyway see you all next time and happy 4th of July!!! CHARLIE OUT!!! ♒ ♊

*Eridan and Sollux make fireworks with the wand and psionic powers behind Charlie for cool effects*

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