Chapter 1: The Fish Boy

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So today I get to visit Karkat and some of his friends. Its weird that he is actually letting me see them because he tells me that their a waste of time and their nook suckers. Yet again he calls me that all the time, so that might be his way of saying that their cool and all, but in a grumpy way.

I arrived at Karkat's house or hive because that's what he calls it where he lives. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. "Karkat!" I yelled while knocking on his door some more. The door opens and a grumpy nubbed horn troll opens the door and says,"OH MY FUCKING GOG (Name)! DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO DO THAT!" "Yes because that's the only way to get you up your lazy ass from the couch." I said in a smile.

He groaned and let me in. He lead me to the living room and in there, there was two trolls already here. "(Name) THIS IS GAMZEE AND TAVROS." I look over at the two that were sitting next to each other. "SuP sIs, Im GaMzEe AnD tHiS iS tAvBrO." The clown looking guy said. He sounded like he was high on something but didn't matter he seemed pretty cool. Then the troll in the wheelchair said something, "uMMM.........hI." He seemed really shy which I felt bad about.

"Hi I'm (Name)! Its a pleasure to meet you." I said with a smile. They just smile back and went back to whatever they were doing and that's when I heard a knock on the door. Karkat went to open it and I sat on the couch across from Gamzee and Tavros.

"Thup KK." I heard from outside the living room. He sounded like he had a lisp from where I was at. "SOLLUX I SWEAR TO GOG STOP CALLING ME THAT." Karkat said to the guy that's apparently named Sollux. "Hahaha whatever dude, tho why am I here anyway?" "OH MY GOG I TOLD YOU I WANTED YOU TO MEET ANOTHER HUMAN FRIEND I MADE FUCK FACE." "Jeguth KK I wath jutht wondering. You don't have to be thuch an athth all the time."

The two of them kept arguing until they finally came over and saw me on the couch. "(Name) THIS IS LISPS BOY, SOLLUX THIS IS (Name)." Karkat said introducing me to him. "Fuck you KK, and thup." The troll with two pairs of horns and bicolor glasses said. "Hi! Its nice to meet you. Karkat talks about you a lot whenever I come and visit him." I said. "Oh doeth he!" He looks over to where Karkat was and smirks at him.

Before Karkat could say anything the door knocked again. "I got it." I said running to the door. Just as I opened it I big muscular looking guy that had gloves on his hands for some reason was there. (I'm not doing Equius text its hard to understand) "Hello there low blood I was wondering if this is where I can find Karkat's hive." He said in a low monotone voice. "Uh Yea please come in." I said moving out of the way.

He walked in and I followed him. "OH LOOK WHO'S HERE NOW. SIR SWEATS A LOT." Karkat said once again in his grumpy tone. "Low blood I do not like how you called me that. I STRONGLY suggest that you do not call me that again or else." He said. "DuDe YoU nEeD tO cHiLl ThE fUcK dOwN. iS tHaT aLl CoOl AnD sTuFf." Gamzee said to him. "Yes highblood  I should do what you say and chill out." He started to sweat a little, which creep me out a lot, but then he turned around and looked at me again. "Who might you be?" He asked. "Well I'm (Name). What's yours." "Equius Zahhak." We shook hands but he squeezed it really tightly and I swear I heard my bones crack.

"Now is that everyone." Karkat said in a nice and calm matter which was rare for him. "I think tho." Sollux said until another knock on the door came. "I got thith." And Sollux went to get it. I wonder who this one was. That's when I heard Sollux say,"Oh thit." "Wwell hello there Sol. Is evveryone here already." This one sounded like he had a wavy accent in him. "ED why the fuck are you here." "I wwas invvited to come here you mustered blood." "Watch your thelf ED, or else I will hurt you tho bad you won't be able to fell your fucking body anymore." "Ugg just get out of my wway Sol."

After that the door closed I saw some rich troll walk in. He had jet black hair except in the front part of it had violet on it. His ears had a fish looking kind of ears, so that's what Karkat meant that when he said he had one friend that lived in the ocean. He had a long violet cape on and a long striped scarf. He also had striped pants that were blue and black. He also had lots of rings on each finger of both hands. Then he had hipster looking glasses on.

"OH LOOK ITS THE PRINCE WITH NO HOPE." Karkat said. I looked at him and thought in my head,' No hope, what is he talking about?' Then I looked at the prince and saw a sad face on him. "Come on Kar wwhy do you alwways say that to me wwhen evver I come here." He sounded like he was going to start crying, but he  kept his hipster look on in front of me. "Wwell wwhos this Kar?" He said looking at me. "My name is (Name)! What's your name." I said putting my hand out. "Eridan Ampora, and I don't shake hands with humans." He said turning his head and throwing his cape around. Some of it hit my face but I didn't care.

Looks like fish boy is a hater of humans. Owell I'll just try to be friends with everyone and not get on anyone's bad side.


Well here you go the first chapter for an Eridan x reader book!!!! I hope you like the first chapter I had fun with this chapter.

Eridan: wwell I didn't! Sol wwas being an ass to me yet again. Sollux: Dude your thuch an athth to everyone one elthe here tho don't play the blaming game. Writer: Guys stop fighting!! Oh my glub I will personally hurt both of you if you don't stop fighting!!!

Sollux: Fine whatever. Eridan: Sorry.

Anyway hope you like it so on and so forth and I'll see you guys next time. CHARLIE OUT!!!

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