Chapter 1

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Amberkit blinked open her eyes, stretching as she looked around, her brothers Mousekit and Seedkit were play fighting in their nest. 

"Mousekit! Seedkit! Stop that at once! Go play outside your nest." Birchstride said sternly. Rosekit opened her eyes and yawned. 

"Mother, it's too late. I'm awake." Amberkit glanced over at Silentswift. Yesterday she had forbidden her kits to play with the other kits. Leafkit and Sapkit had blinked unhappily at her. 

"It's not just about you Rosekit!" 

"Mo-om!" Amberkit said. "Can I go get something to eat?" 

"Huh? Oh yes dear." Amberkit went outside in the sunshine, ambling over to the fresh-kill pile. She saw her father, Hawkstar, with the deputy, Waspfire. Everyone said that when Waspfire retired, Sunblaze was the next choice. 

"Good morning Amberkit!" Lilypaw blinked warmly at her. 

"Guess what!" Amberkit looked up at her. 

"What?" Amberkit asked. 

"Today is the day!" Lilypaw said excitedly. 

"You and and Stormpaw are going to be warriors?" Amberkit guessed. 

"Yes! Well, if we pass our assessments, that is." Lilypaw paced up and down by the fresh-kill pile. "I wonder what my name will be? Lilyfur? Lilytail?" 

"Lilywonder?" Suggested Stormpaw cheekily. 

"Oh the nerve!" Lilypaw teased. "I wish Dockpaw was with us." Dockpaw had decided become a medicine cat, and would never be a warrior. 

"I wouldn't want to be a warrior!" Dockpaw grinned. "But I'll be the first one to cheer your warrior name!" Amberkit returned to the nursery after picking up a plump mouse to share with her littermates. 

"Rosekit! Mousekit! Seedkit!" Amberkit called. "Look at the size of this mouse!" They gathered around her, each taking a piece of the fresh-kill. At sunhigh, Amberkit heard the summons of the clan. 

"Let all cats who can catch their own prey gather here beneath the highrock for a clan meeting!" Hawkstar yowled. Amberkit watched from the nursery entrance. "I have gathered you here today to make two new warriors. Lakeclaw, does your apprentice understand the warrior code?" 

"He does." Lakeclaw said solemnly. 

"Stormpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" 

"I do." Stormpaw squeaked excitedly. 

"Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name, Stormpaw, from this moment on you will be know as Stormheart. Starclan honors your skill and determination." Stormheart licked Hawkstar's shoulder respectfully. Then he drew back as Hawkstar named Lilypaw, Lilyfur, and honored her honesty and cheerfulness. Wow! Thought Amberkit. I wonder what my warrior name will be! Her littermates tussled with Twigtail's litter. She leapt into the fray and then Whiskerkit, Blazekit and Earkit joined in. 

"I claim this vole for Tigerclan." Shouted Tigerkit. 

"No, we decided on Snowclan." Snowkit tackled her brother. 

"Guys you have it all wrong it's Lapclan." Lapkit declared. 

"Our clan is Mouseclan!" 

"Our clan is Blazeclan!" As their mother's called them to sleep, Amberkit's dreams were filled with battling warriors, but they spilled no blood...

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