Chapter 3

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Amberpaw missed Dawnfur and Deertail, who had become warriors two moons ago. But the apprentice den was stuffed full, so she was glad there was more space. Lakeclaw had given birth to Rockfur's kits, whom were named Ashkit and Brackenkit. Riverclan was threatening to attack sunningrocks, and every warrior was cranky with the extra border patrols that kept Riverclan from attacking. She was almost finished with her apprenticeship, having been trained for five moons. Today was the half-moon meeting of medicine cats, and rumor had it that Dockpaw was receiving his name tonight. She fell asleep quickly, after a long day at battle training. She woke to hisses of outrage and shot out of her nest Dockpaw was dragging a motionless Soundwhisper through the entrance at camp. Dockpaw had scratches on his pelt, blood crusted on the edges. 

"What happened?" Hawkstar asked quickly. 

"It was riverclan, Hawkstar, I'm positive. But it may not have been authorized by Reedstar." Dockpaw dropped Soundwhisper in the middle of the clearing. 

"Is she dead?" Whispered Sweetclaw. Amberpaw remembered that she and Lakeclaw were Soundwhisper's sister's. 

"Yes." Said Dockpaw bleakly. 

"Did you receive your name?" Asked Lilyfur. 

"I am Dockleaf now." Dockleaf placed a paw on his mentor's chest. "May you find good hunting and fresh water in Starclan." Amberpaw padded up to say her respects. 

"Soundwhisper, we were never close, but thank you for treating my bellyaches and thorn pricks. Good hunting." Yowls burst through the quiet vigil, and the night patrol burst through the gorse, 

"Riverclan attacked us!" Twigtail panted. 

"They took Mousepaw and Sappaw! There was nothing we could do." Sunblaze said, breathing hard. 

"Hawkstar, why did they attack us?" Slientswift asked. Mellowfoot pressed against her; Sappaw was their kit. Amberpaw, Seedpaw and Rosepaw raced to Birchstride and pressed themselves together for comfort. 

"Momma, why did they take apprentices?" Rosepaw murmured quietly. 

"I don't know dear. I just don't." 

"Apprentices will stay away from the border with Riverclan, as they seem to be kidnapping them." Hawkstar decided. "And I will go over to their camp with Waspfire, Sunblaze, Dawnfur and Deertail. Lakeclaw, I leave you in charge. We leave at dawn." Amberpaw crept to apprentices den and settled down in her nest. Mousepaw and Sappaw's nests were beside hers, and she nosed their moss softly. She fell asleep, curled in a ball. 

"Hurry up and grab the apprentices. We won't have long." Amberpaw's eyes shot open and she smelled Riverclan. 

"Attack! Attack on the camp!" She yowled as loud as she could. 

"Wretched apprentice, spoiling our attack." A Riverclan warrior crept into the den, followed by four others. One of them grabbed her scruff and carried her out of the den. 

"Let me go! Drop me!" Amberpaw lashed out violently. "

You'll never get her to the camp like that, Reedstar." She was tussling with the clan leader? 

"Let them go!" Came the yowl of Hawkstar. Reedstar broke into a run and slammed her head on a rock by sunningrocks. She let out a yowl of pain and collapsed, unconscious.

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