Chapter 4

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Amberpaw awoke with a start, memories of the attack flooding over her. Her head and paws ached, and there was a bump on her head where the Reedstar had slammed her head into the rock. She was in Riverclan camp, with Sappaw and Mousepaw by her side. She prodded Sappaw awake. 

"Wha? Oh it's you Amberpaw. Does Birchstride want me for training?" He blinked up at her. 

"No. Why are we here in the Riverclan camp? What do they want?" Amberpaw fell on Mousepaw, waking him up. 

"Oof, Sappaw! Don't roll on me!" Mousepaw complained. 

"No it's me, Amberpaw!" Mousepaw looked at her in surprise. 

"When did you get here?" Amberpaw opened her mouth to speak, 

"Last night." Growled a unfamiliar black tom. Mousepaw let out a squeal of shock. "Cmon, all three of yeh, an' I know all of y'all are awake, I been keepin' guard." 

"But why?" Amberpaw burst out. "Heh heh, y'all find out soon enough." He led the three apprentices outside the den, where Reedstar was waiting. 

"Thank you Stonetail. Furpaw is waiting for you in the training hollow." Stonetail dipped his head and padded out of Riverclan camp. "Well, well, well, look who we have here. Sappaw? Mousepaw? And, Amberpaw?" The apprentices nodded. "You are now apprentices of Rivercla-." 

"WHAT?" Sappaw exploded. 

"I'm not a Riverclan cat!" Mousepaw argued. 

"I'm Thunderclan through and through." Amberpaw agreed. 

"No." Reedstar said quietly. 

"We won't we wo-." Mousepaw started. 

"Reedstar," A dappled she-cat said in a honey sweet tone. "Perhaps they could join me and Scarpaw fishing?" Reedstar glanced up, and nodded. 

"That would be good for them. Take good care of them, Dappledstream." 

"You know I will." She flicked her tail across his nose, and beckoned to Mousepaw, and Sappaw. Amberpaw started forward, and Dapplestream blocked her path. 

"I think Reedstar has something to say to you, dear." She left with Mousepaw and Sappaw, and a brown tom, who clearly was Scarpaw, he had a scar running down from his eye to his hind paw. 

"What do you have to say to me Reedstar?" Amberpaw said defiantly. 

"First of all, who are your parents?" Reedstar looked, suddenly older. 

"W-why should I tell you?" Amberpaw's paws trembled. 

"Just tell me." 

"Hawkstar a-and B-Birchstride." She knew she shouldn't have told him, but she couldn't take it back. 

"Troutnose!" He called to a sliver tabby. 

"Yes Reedstar?" He padded over to him. 

"Return the other two apprentices. I've found her." Troutnose padded out of the camp. 

"What was that about?" Amberpaw asked. 

"You were given away to Thunderclan because of your amber pelt. You would've never fit in here. But I realized that that was wrong. Come back to Riverclan, Oddkit, and we will welcome you." Reedstar said. 

"You called me Oddkit?" Her voice sounded weird, broken, like these Riverclan rats obviously thought she was. "I'm not Thunderclan through and through?" Reedstar guided her to the medicine den. 

"I know it will be hard at first Oddkit, but this is where you were meant to be." 

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