Chapter 7

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Rosepaw's desperate cry rang in Amberpaw's ears as she sat vigil for Crowfrost, Mellowfoot and the deputy, Waspfire. At moonhigh, Hawkstar would appoint another deputy. Amberpaw pressed her nose to Waspfire's ear, then looked up and realized it was moonhigh. She looked expectantly at Hawkstar's den. 

"I say these words before Starclan so that Waspfire may listen and approve my choice. Sunblaze will be the new deputy." Hawkstar declared. 

"Cats of Thunderclan, I never thought I would be chosen, and I hope to serve you as well as Waspfire did." Sunblaze dipped his head to Hawkstar. Amberpaw chanted Sunblaze's name along with Thunderclan. 

"Seedpaw, your mentor for the rest of training will be Twigtail, and Snowpaw, yours will be Silentswift." 

"Um Hawkstar, I can't mentor Snowpaw." Silentswift looked nervous in addressing clan leader. "I just found out that I am expecting Mellowfoot's kits." 

"Ok then, Snowpaw, your mentor will be Sunblaze." The two apprentices padded over to their new mentors. Amberpaw watched them reluctantly touch noses. Amberpaw padded into the apprentices den to think. Thunderclan certainly has been nicer to me than Riverclan, but maybe now that Reedstar died, it'll be better?  She shook her head to clear it. I'm so confused. Riverclan is my birth clan, but they gave me away! Thunderclan took me in and protected me! I'll just have to decide later.  She wrapped her tail over her nose, and closed her eyes and slept. 

When she woke up, it was before dawn. She crept out of the den and joined Seedpaw in vigil. She wrapped her tail over him, in a gesture of sympathy. 

"Why?" Seedpaw asked. "Why Waspfire have to die?" Amberpaw licked his ear and replied. 

"He was getting old." 

"But that's no excuse!" Amberpaw glanced around. 

"Shhh. You don't want to disturb the others, do you?" 

"Amberpaw," Seedpaw stared straight in her amber eyes, his green gaze gentle. "Please stay here, if you leave, well, you are my littermate. It will tear me apart." 

"I am not your littermate though." Amberpaw blinked. 

"Please Amberpaw!" His voice rising. "I'm sorry. It's your decision." He dropped his gaze and padded away into the apprentices den. Amberpaw watched him go, feeling upset that she couldn't tell him she was staying, home in Thunderclan. 

"Mousepaw Mousepaw Mousepaw! No! Oh no!" Birchstride's wail came from the medicine cat den. Amberpaw rushed to her, and saw Mousepaw, with a terrible belly wound. 

"Out! Out!" Dockleaf ordered. Mousepaw was going to die, Dockleaf was panicking! Amberpaw pressed close to Birchstride, worry for Mousepaw sparking in her blue gaze. 

"Don't worry my darlings, Dockleaf can save him." Birchstride tried to reassure them. 

"What if he can't?" Rosepaw whimpered. 

"No! No! Mousepaw!" Dockleaf's cry burst through the air. Amberpaw raced into the den to see Mousepaw, lying spread-eagled, motionless. Amberpaw's yowl of horror split through the chilly morning, as Birchstride rushed to see what was happening. 

"No no, my poor kit!" She wailed. Hawkstar was outside, and poked his head in, and asked what was happening. 

"Our poor kit!" Birchstride sobbed. Hawkstar stared, frozen in place, 

"Is Mousepaw dead?" 

"Not yet. But it can't be long." Dockleaf replied. 

"There is a ceremony, if a dying apprentice is deemed worthy of being a warrior. Mousepaw, if it is truly your destiny to go to Starclan, you shall have a warrior name, Mousepaw, you are now called Mousecall, may you go to Starclan swiftly, my son."

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