Chapter 9

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Amberpaw awoke, remembering that she had to make her decision today, and was not looking forward to it. She crept out of the apprentices den, then ate a stale mouse that was left over last night.

"How are you today, Amberpaw?" Hawkstar asked, padding over to where she ate.

"I'm fine." Amberpaw replied. 

"Did you come to your decision yet?" Hawkstar wondered.

"I don't know." She sighed. 

"We only ask cause we care." Birchstride said, with sympathy in her mew. Amberpaw brushed against her, Birchstride's scent calming her.

"Hi!" Lilyfur walked over to Earstripe, Whiskerflight and Blazespark. "How's the new warriors?" 

"Fine. Why shouldn't we be good?" Asked Earstripe.

"I was just wondering." Lilyfur defended herself, then went into the warriors den. Birchstride and Hawkstar glanced at each other, whiskers twitching. Sunblaze came out of the warriors den and started assigning patrols for the day. Hawkstar beckoned Sunblaze over after the orange tom had finished. 

"Yes Hawkstar?" Sunblaze asked. 

"Who do you want for the Gathering?"

"Well, Whiskerflight, Earstripe and Blazespark, of course, they will be looking forward to their first Gathering as warriors. And we could take the apprentices, it will be their last Gathering as apprentices.

"Great Starclan! All the apprentices? Anyway, I was also thinking, Birchstride, Lilyfur, Stormheart, Deertail, Dawnfur, Brambleflower and Cloudstrike. Then the usual, Dockleaf and you, naturally." 

"Sounds good, I'll go tell them." Sunblaze approached the circle of warriors, and mewed something to them. Amberpaw's gaze fell upon Rosepaw and Seedpaw, who had their heads down, talking quietly. They glanced up, and when they saw Amberpaw's gaze on them, they stopped talking and hurried over. 

"Did you make your decision yet, Amberpaw?" Seedpaw asked. Amberpaw stared at her paws.

"No. I haven't." 

"Amberpaw, please talk to us. If you really are leaving, I want to say goodbye." Rosepaw insisted.

"I don't want you to have to fight with Riverclan if I choose to stay. But I don't want to leave you to go to Riverclan." Amberpaw finally said. 

"We will fight, but that's not what Troutnose said would happen, 'you are free to choose'." Hawkstar remembered. 

"If it comes to a fight, I'm going to Riverclan. I'm not going to let you guys kill yourselves, trying to keep me here." Amberpaw decided.

"But if it doesn't?" Rosepaw asked hopefully.

"I will probably stay here. If I can't, I'll see you in Starclan." She dropped her voice to a whisper. 

"I love you like you were my kit." Birchstride promised. 

Later, as they padded to Fourtrees, she wondered if what she was doing was right. You should stay in the clan you were born in. But I was raised in Thunderclan. I'm not arguing in my head anymore, I'm choosing where I'm going to stay for the rest of my life. Amberpaw shivered, but not from the cold. 

"So Amberpaw, which clan will you choose?" Troutnose asked from the great rock, as they padded towards the great rock. "And by the way, my name is Troutstar." Amberpaw took a deep breath, then began.

"I was born in Riverclan, but was raised in Thunderclan because of my amber pelt and amber eyes. Now they want me back. But I'm choosing the clan that was my home. I'm choosing

And I'm sorry, but that's it! Mwameowmeow! I love cliffhangers. Comment what you think Amberpaw's name should be, and what clan she chooses. 

I'll write tomorrow!


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