Chapter 2

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Amberkit was now six moons, and all the kits in the nursery were going to be apprentices today. Blazepaw, Whiskerpaw, and Earpaw were already apprentices, and the apprentice den needs to get a lot bigger, Amberkit thought. Hawkstar is making the nine of us apprentices today. Hawkstar yowled summons, and Amberkit trembled with anticipation. She woke her brothers and sister up, and they headed outside. Birchstride licked them all over throughly even though they complained loudly. 

"Amberkit, step forward. From this moment on, you will be known as Amberpaw. Blossomflower, I trust you to pass on all that you have learned onto this apprentice." Seedpaw got Waspfire as his mentor, Rosepaw got Sheeptail, Mousepaw got Cloudstrike, Whiskerpaw got Rockfur, Blazepaw got Hawkstar, Earpaw got Stormheart, Lappaw got Lilyfur, Leafpaw got Brambleflower, and Sappaw got Birchstride. Most of the clan had apprentices, and once the apprentices were warriors, the warriors numbers would be doubled. Blossomflower beckoned Amberpaw towards her, 

"Let's go tour the territory, by ourselves." Amberpaw grinned, and padded towards her mentor. 


"This is the thunderpath, monsters travel on it and it's our border with Shadowclan." Amberpaw crept closer to the thunderpath, twitching her whiskers at the smell. 

"Can we leave the thunderpath now?" Asked Amberpaw nervously. 

"Of course," Her mentor replied smoothly. "We can see your hunting skills in action." Amberpaw glanced around and tasted the air. Creeping forward, she scented mouse. She crept forward, got unbalanced and tripped over a root, scaring off the mouse. Blossomflower's whiskers were twitching in silent laughter. 

"I'm sorry, that was a very good first try, what you messed up was not keeping a eye on the ground and one on your prey." Blossomflower demonstrated. "It's hard at first, but soon it will become as easy as breathing." She had Amberpaw practice on a leaf a couple of times, then said, 

"Time to head back to camp, you will be tired in the morning." Amberpaw padded back through the entrance and grabbed a mouse to share with her denmates. Seedpaw and Lappaw were already sharing a vole. She went over to her sister, Rosepaw and shared the mouse. Rosepaw was excited to hear about Amberpaw's adventure and told her adventure in turn. 

"We went to the windclan border, and I scented fox! My first time scenting it! It was stale, thankfully." Dawnpaw and Deerpaw walked up. 

"How was your tour of the territory?" Asked Dawnpaw. 

"It was great!" Rosepaw said, and she was off again, retelling her adventure.

Later that night, Amberpaw was talking to Deerpaw about littermates, who only had Dawnpaw. She drifted off without even realizing it, and her dreams were filled with a black darkness which swallowed her up like eating prey...

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