Chapter 12

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Amberstream was dreaming. She dreamt that her clanmates, Sheeptail and Shrewwhisker attacked her. Then she realized it was not just a dream. It had happened in real life. She remembered her head slamming into rock and dizzy with pain, dragging herself towards camp, where Hawkstar and Sunblaze found her. 

"Sister," Mousecall appeared, then padded towards her. "Sister dear, what have you done?"

"I didn't do anything!" Amberstream protested.

"I only meant, how are you here? Cats only come her when they are gravely injured. L-like I was." 

"O-oh. I didn't I meant, I mean, two clanmates attacked me." 

"Oh? Who attacked you Amberstream? I want to know." Mousecall rubbed his cheek against hers. 

"I-it was S-Sheeptail a-and Shrewwhisker." Amberstream collapsed, jerking and twitching.

"You're heading back, but beware a enemy who seems to slumber. Remember that Amberstream. You must." His voice faded away, till it was lost, and Amberstream awoke. 

"Where am I?" Her voice was raspy. 

"You're in Thunderclan, in the medicine cat den. Who attacked you? Was it a rouge?" Dockleaf asked. 

"It was, it was Sheeptail a-and S-Shrewwhisker." After she spoke, Shrewwhisker walked in, a evil glint in his eyes. 

"You need to leave, Shrewwhisker. I am taking care of a patient." Dockleaf said sternly. 

"I only came in here to finish the job I failed." He padded towards her menacingly. 

"Hawkstar!" Dockleaf yowled. Hawkstar came running, and Shrewwhisker padded backwards quickly. 

"Shrewwhisker just tried to attack Amberstream, and she said that Sheeptail helped to injure her." 

"No!" Shrewwhisker said. "Sheeptail has nothing to do with this." Amberstream glared at him. "Ok fine, but she only helped because, because she's my mate." 

"Why would you want to do this anyway?" Hawkstar asked.

"She is not Thunderclan. And you pretended she was. And she was allowed to stay, when you should've made her go to Riverclan. Raising her made you soft." Shrewwhisker glared at him. 

"How dare you! You and Sheeptail are exiled from Thunderclan. If I see you again, I will rip your pelt off and hang it on a bush to scare foxes." Hawkstar snarled viciously. Amberstream hated seeing him like this, all battle-mode. 

"Is she ok?" Roseblaze asked, sticking her head in. 

"She should be fine after a few days." Dockleaf reassured her. Shrewwhisker ran out of the den, called Sheeptail and left. 

"Is she awake?" Seedspring poked his head in too. 

"Why don't you come in and find out?" Dockleaf suggested. 

"Ok!" Roseblaze padded in the den, and her face lit up when she saw that Amberstream was awake. Seedspring followed more slowly. 

"Ow! Ow!" Amberstream yelped as Roseblaze started licking her, cleaning her pelt. 

"Did (lick) I (lick) hurt (lick) you?" Roseblaze asked, between licks. 

"I'm -ow- just a -ow- little -ow- sore -ow-." Seedspring sat beside her, and joined in licking clean her pelt. She drowsed once they left, her pelt shining. Mousecall's words repeating in her head. But beware a enemy who seems to slumber

"Her kits! Silentswift's kits are coming!" Lakeclaw woke up Amberstream. "One of them is coming out paws first. Dockleaf, wake up!" She yowled. 


"Silentswift's kits!" She yowled in his face. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Dockleaf said. Silentswift yowled from across the clearing. 

"I need to get back to her." She tried to leave Dockleaf's den, but he blocked her.

"You need to stop panicking." Dockleaf wouldn't let her leave.

"Ok." She dipped her head in defeat. Amberstream fell asleep again.

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