Chapter Seventeen

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With a new outlook on the mission, you tried your best to just suck it up and focus on getting through it safely.

A small file was given to you with the details of the Mozpian gang you were supposed to ambush in the frigid plains of Malaskin. Regardless of the recent news of throwing the mission, you weren't sure if you would've been of any use anyway. You'd never directly killed someone before or anything even remotely like that.

'Am I even capable?'

Your only purpose before this mission was to watch it all happen. But like Kylo reminded you, throwing this was the only way to save yourself from countless more deaths by your own hands and the eyes of Snoke off you too.

You were miserable waiting for Kylo to come to his ship. You just saw him and yet he was late again as always. You were horribly tired and your mind was drifting to other places. You were aching for the warm rays of sunshine and blue skies. Knowing that the only place you were being sent to was one that had dangerously icy winds, and snow covered grounds. You were almost nauseated thinking about how the freshly blanketed snow would be smeared red with flecks of flesh scattered around if you wouldn't have agreed to the deal.

Or really if Kylo had never even thought of the deal.

It showed another side of him, a side that truly cared about you. It was difficult to think about at times the person he really was, the one that everyone else saw. Murder and torture was all Kylo represented, all he knew and yet you rationed with yourself that it was simply at the background of this all.

Because you were infatuated.

Hopelessly, ridiculously falling for the cloaked man who would rather spend his days sawing through people than ever truly being with someone like you.

'How could this have happened?'

It was second nature to shut off your feelings, to let the men of the horrifying world you lived in take you as their own and do as they wished. Because it was survival. It was what you would've let happen to yourself that day without an escape. Without Kylo.

And now the man that saved you infiltrated your every thought.

You had contemplated the events of that day relentlessly, and the torment that followed. But somehow through the despair and tragedy that you carried from Cark and Pryde, your mind would always focus back on the real man you saw that day.

The Kylo that dropped his facade and was your savior.

Your friend.

You had put off seeing Pryde over and over again since your attack, making up all sorts of excuses. He had even gone as far as apolgizing to you for what the Captain did which absolutely blew your mind. He made it about himself in the end though saying how he couldn't believe he was willing to share you.

'Boy, that makes me feel special.'

"Oi love, the command shuttle is busted. The Buzzard is ready to go though. They're just about to jet off if you don't mind hopping aboard," a nice short man said who had finished working on a different ship a few meters away. "Ren should be joining you in a minute. Have a safe trip."

'Oh god...'

It was his knights private ship. It was a piece of garbage and was known for keeping and executing the most horrific prisoners. And now the sweet boys who tortured all of them were coming with you.

'What joy.'

You should have consider yourself lucky that you'd never met his knights already but you could already feel the anxiousness stirring inside you. Your stomach was whirling already and they weren't even here yet. Reluctantly, you boarded the Night Buzzard and found a seat in the back and out of the way.

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