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Authors note #1
I don't really attend on making this Adopted by Magcon like all the others out there so hopefully it's something different. Also I hope it's more accurate then my other one.

Aliyah's pov

"Aliyah are you ready?" My mother hollered from downstairs.

"Coming" I shouted back. I zipped up my coat and ran down the stairs.
I smiled at my mom as we both walked out of the garage door and into the garage. Like normally I got in the passenger side and she got into the driver seat.

"Are you sure you want to go today? The roads are really bad" she questioned. I had a compilation in three days and I wasn't going to loss. I need as much practice as I can get.

"I'm sure" I rolled my eyes. This had to be like the 30th time I was telling her I wanted to practice today. I watched out the window at all the snow falling heavily from the sky. I could barely see anything.

"I can't see" She said moving her head around trying to find a angel that showed the road. My heart beat sped up when I saw a truck driving right in front of us.

"Mom watch out!" I screamed, i clinched my fist together as she stepped on the break trying to avoid the semi. When I opened my eyes we were still driving. Instant relief.

"Goodness" my mother gasped.
I thought that was it right there, the end. I took a deep breath and realized we had all ready made it to Ski Crescent the local skiing/ snowboarding resort in Iowa.

"Looks like we made it" mom smiled happily. I gave her a hug before I got out of the car. I opened the trunk and pulled out my bag.
"I will pick you up at 5, call me if you need anything" she said from the front seat. I gave her a thumbs up and ran into the lodge with my friends Hailey and Danny.

When I got inside we hung around for a minute before getting dressed. After about 15 minutes I started pulling on my snow pants and coat. We grabbed our boards and headed out to the slopes.

She's the man (adopted by Magcon)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ