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Authors note #7
Slowly bringing in different Magcon boys at a time. Keep voting and commentin.

Aliyah's POV

The next day I was sitting out back on the deck waxing my board. I loved this board I remember when I first got it. It was a Burton brand, green, pink, and orange squared pattern on the bottom and white on the top.
One of the most expensive boards at the store at the time. There was no way my mom could afford it, but she worked later and harder just so she could see me happy with a new board.

I started day dreaming again until I was interrupted by loud talking, yelling, and obnoxious laughing coming from the garage.
I set my board down next to my bindings that's I took off while I waxed it.

I skipped to the garage and opened the back door. I obviously knew it was Matt and his friends because I heard Taylor laughing, his laugh is distinct I know it from like mile away. I didn't know the other two boys though.

"Who's that Matt?" I asked hoping he would introduce me.

"This is Mr.Carter and that's Cameron" he introduced. Mr.Carter? Why not just Carter. Carter was a Chinese guy, he dressed very main stream and wore thick black glasses. Cameron was definitely older because he was taller and older looking, maybe 17.

"Hey Aliyah" Taylor side smirked waving at me. I ignored him and left the garage.

"She should come with us" I heard Cameron mention.

"Hell ya" I heard Taylor agree.
When I walked back inside Sarah was at the kitchen counter signing papers, she looked stressed. I grabbed a stool and popped a seat next to her.

"Whatcha doin" I asked.

"Signing papers so Matt can travel" she answered.

"Where is he going" I asked concerned, I don't want him to leave he's like my life right now.

"To perform with a group of friends"
She responded. Perform? Matt doesn't sing, dance, play instruments, and anything like that.

"All thanks to vine" she rolled her eyes and continued organizing her papers.
I didn't know Matt made vines. I downloaded vine a few months ago when he asked me to follow him but I've never used it.

I went into room and pulled up Vine.
I already had a(n) account from when Matt made me one. I have no idea how to use it though. I went straight to Matts account and started exploring.

He had 74K followers already, I don't know a lot about vine but I know that's a lot of people. I started watching some of his 6 second videos. The most recent one was from 23 minutes ago of Carter.

"Püma" him, Matt, Cameron, and Taylor squealed pinching their faces together to make an ugly look.
It had 1,000 "revines" though.

About a half an hour later there was a knock on my door.

"Come in" I howled.
In walked the boys.

"Do you want to go to Texas with us?" Carter asked. That's random.

"Um sure?" I answered unsure.

"Ok cool we are leaving tomorrow" he mumbled really fast so I couldn't understand him. They all piled out of my room and left the door cracked open.

*Later that night*

I was sitting in bed watching Netflix when my IPhone 5c started ringing. It was from an unknown number but the area code was the same as mine so I answered.


"Hey it's Taylor"

(T- Taylor A- Aliyah)

T- please don't hang up

A- Fine what do you want

T- I Want you to come on tour with us

A- Why are you going on tour

T- Because we are like vine famous and shit

A- oh cool

T- you should come, I really want you there

A- I don't even use vine

T- doesn't matter you could be a special guest

A- I am special

I giggled into the phone for a second.

"I have to go now but I really hope you go" he said calmly. He hung up before I had the chance to finish talking.

"Did you give Taylor my number?" I questioned as I walked into Matts blue room.

"Yah, are you coming with us or not" he sassed.

"I don't know" I said nervously, I'm scared to leave the state, I've never been out of town without my mom.

"What about snow boarding?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure you can go two weeks without snow boarding" he assured.

"I'm pretty sure you can live without wifi" I snapped.

"Fine don't come then" he kicked me out of his room and sent me out.
I was a little frustrated but that was all. I took a deep breath and turned back into his room.

"I'll go" I confessed.

She's the man (adopted by Magcon)Where stories live. Discover now