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Authors note #2
You guys don't even understand how happy I am to be writing again. Please vote and comment so this book can get far.

Aliyah's POV

Before I knew it three hours had already passed. I had till 5 before my mom picked me up, its 4:30. I was having so much fun with Hailey and Danny that I didn't even want to go.
Nothing makes me happier than being on my board.

"Wanna head back to the lodge? I gotta leave soon" Danny asked as we got on the ski lift. Its like she read my mind, I shook my head and we waited for Hailey to get on a lift.

When we got back to the lodge Danny's mom had already beat us there. I took off my helmet letting my Carmel brown hair fall onto my shoulders.

"I'm taking Hailey home too do you need a ride?" Mrs. Nicole's asked.

"No it's good my mom is picking me up thanks though" I smiled from her generosity and kindness.
After they left I sat down on a bench at a table and waited for my mom to come.

It felt like it had been twenty minutes since I had last checked the time. I looked out of the window to see if my mom was here, but only a few cars were parked but non were my moms.

I sat back down and checked the time, 5:15. She was only late by 15 minutes probably because the roads were Icy and it was hard to see. I ignored the thought and checked my phone to see if she called.

No calls. I started to worry and panic.
I remember what my cousin Matt used to tell me, take a deep breath and count to 10.
1...2...3...4...5... I couldn't do it I picked up my phone and dialed her number as fast as my fingers could type.

It rang until nobody answered.
I started freaking out. The air got thinner, the space grew smaller and everything started spinning. I have no patience.

I dialed her number again and again until my phone was at 8%.

"I want to go home" "I want to go home" I repeated to myself over and over agin. I noticed people staring at me. One girl came over and handed me a plastic Dixie cup full of water.

I drank the water and thanked her but it didn't help. I sat back down and ran my fingers threw my hair until I began to fall asleep. I have a very short temper.

After a few hours I was awoken by one of the ski patrols.

"It's almost 10" He said patting my shoulder to wake me up.
I looked around my surroundings forgetting where I am.

"Closing down in 5 minutes, do you have a ride?" He asked.

"Yah I do" I lied, or at least I think I'm lying I don't know where my mom is.
I packed my boots, board, helmet, and snow pants into my bag. I picked it up and walked outside not knowing where I am going.

I sat down on the sidewalk and waited until they turned their parking lot lights off.

"Can I use your phone?" I asked one of the patrol ladies that was walking to her car. She handed me her phone as she finished starting her car.
I hesitantly dialed the area code not knowing who I'm going to call.
I ended up calling my mom again.

"Dammit" I cried I into her phone.
I gave it back and thanked her.
I ran back to the side walk of the building were I felt my bag. I sat down and waited for nothing, im losing hope. My house was an hour away to far to walk.

I lied down on my floor resting my head in my bag. I curl my legs up to my chest for warmth. I didn't sit there long before head lights shun in my face.

It was a police car. Two people walked out of the car. I got up and leaned against the ski lodge building.

"Aliyah?" Said a familiar voice.

"Matt!" I jumped out happy to hear his voice. I ran into his arms as he hugged me. He was so warm I was so happy to see him.

"Where's my mom?" I asked. He didn't answer.

"Matt" I said looking him into the eye. "seriously answer me?" I said getting worried. He looked over at the police officer.

"Get in the car and I'll take you back to the police office until further notice"

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