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Aliyah's Pov

Its been about a month an a half since I've last seen Taylor. Ever since the tour he hasn't been around. I haven't heard anything from him. I try texting him but he doesn't respond, and I don't even think he reads my text.

Everyday I wait for Matt to bring up another tour but it hasn't happene yet.
Eventually he's going to bring it up.

At dinner Uncle Mike started small talk.

"Haven't seen Taylor around lately, how is he doing?" Uncle Mike asked Matt. In my head I screamed thank you to Mike. It's like our heads read each other.

"I don't know he doesn't answer calls and stuff" Matt said carelessly eating his dinner.

"Well is he okay?" Aunt Sarah asked concerned. She's always concerned about people even if she doesn't know them she will keep asking about them until she knows they are safe and happy.

"How would I know if I don't see him" Matt sassed with mashed potatoes sticking out of his mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full please Matthew" Sarah pointed out. He licked the corners of his lips letting his tongue clean it up.

"I'm going to give mr. Caniff a call after dinner and make sure Taylor is okay, I worry for him" once again aunt Sarah worries for everyone.

I finished eating and washed off my plate off in the sink while I listened to Aunt Sarah talk on the phone with Taylor's dad, Kevin.

"Glad to here, you to, bye bye" she connected the home phone back to its base holder.

"Taylor only has strep throat" she said.
Good I hope it's nothing more then the that.

"I'm going to make him soup" she began pulling out vegetables and spices. Matt and I both rolled our eyes at her.

Later on that night I laid in bed wondering if I should call Taylor, screw it I'm gonna do it. I picked up my phone off the side table and dialed his number.

It rang for a few seconds then he answered.

"Hello" his lost voice muttered, it sounded like it hurt to talk. My heart started beating really fast and I got butterflies as soon as he answered.

"Hey Taylor"

"Oh what's up Al" he tried to keep his good vibes flowing even though he could talk very well.

"Nothing... just wanted to hear from you" I said softly.

"What was that?" He asked not picking up what I said.

"Nothing nothing" I lied.

I stayed up til three in the morning talking to Taylor until he fell asleep on the other line. I left my phone on for a few extra minutes to listen to him snore.

"Good night Tay" I whispered into the microphone of my phone even though he was sleeping and couldn't hear me. I hung up and fell asleep right away.

Aliyah's POV

*2 weeks later

I sat on my bed scrolling through my Twitter. Everything on here was people's boring life updates likes;
"I'm eating cereal"
"I just got home"
Basically nobody cares.

Matt came running into my room slamming the door open.

"Bart called" he said anxiously walling up all his excitement.

"There's another tour! In California" he squealed like a little girl jumping up and down. A smile drew across my face to see him so pumped up.

"We leave in a day!" He said in a weird old person voice that made no sense. I don't understand we I get such short notices on when we are leaving.

I pulled out the same suitcase from last tour and did the same thing I did before and smashed in random clothes until it couldn't zip.

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