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Authors note #5
This is obviously about old Magcon so we are gonna make ALL of them 15 and Cam and be 16.

Aliyah's pov

I didn't realize I had over slept my alarm. I swung my hand over to my night stand. I thought I was gonna smack the snooze button on the top of my alarm, instead I smacked the petrified wood top of the night stand.

I looked around and realized that I wasn't in my room. I was still in the guest room at my aunt and uncles house. I wiped the crust out of my eyes from crying all night. I turned on my phone and realized it was 11:28 am, school.

I jumped off the bed and ran down stairs to the kitchen. I also realized I was still in sweat pants and a sweatshirt from snowboarding. Aunt Sarah walked past me greeting me.

"Don't worry about school, we are giving you the week off to settle down and rest" She said handing me a plate full of pancakes. A smile grew across God do I hate school. Today while Matt was at school we had to go clean out my house since nobody will be living there anymore.

I stayed in the same clothes until we got to the house where all my clothes was. Uncle Mike brought in a bunch of moving boxes. I started off in my room. As soon as I opened the front door all I could smell was my mom. Before Aunt Sarah went up to my moms room to pack everything away for storage or donations I ran in there and called dibs on everything I needed of hers.

Old T-shirts
Framed pictures
Her perfumes and lotions
Her blanket
Her pillow
Her rings and necklaces
And a old glass doll that I hated.

I wasn't gonna use or wear any of that just keep it for keep sake purposes. I spent the whole entire day packing up my stuff. It took a long time to move and pack, I had so much stuff that only a few things made it to my new house.

As soon as I got home I started bringing in boxes to my new room.
I set one of the boxes down so I could open my bedroom door. I twisted the doorknob and was shocked to find Taylor from last night sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked startled.

"Matt told me to wait in here" he smirked.

"For what!" I shouted.

"I don't know he dared me to sit in your room for like 10 minutes" I only replied with a 'get out.' He got up and walked out of the room with his head down and a puppy dog lip sticking out.

He was dressed in orange and blue Nike basketball shorts, a normal fitting Neff shirt, and a blue bandana wrapped around his head which made him look very gay. I didn't like Taylor.

Aunt Sarah walked into the room interrupting my train of thought about how much I didn't like Taylor, Taylor that's a girls name anyways.

"Just ignore him, that's we do when he's over. He's a weird kid, I think he has ADHD or something" she laughed with a crooked smile. I giggled and smiled back.

"I'm happy you can be with us now" she cooed. As much as I miss my mom with all my aching heart Im gonna like living with my favorite cousin even though that annoying kid is always over.

I finished unpacking the clothes I had brought over so far. I came across a light grey hoodie with maroon writing on it. I don't recall having any sweat shirts like that. I unwatted it and looked at it.

The front said "2008 football season" it was probably old because 2008 was 6 years ago.
The back said "T.Caniff" on the bottom.

"Eww" I squealed tossing it to the bottom of my closet. Taylor must have left it in here. It smelled like 6 cans of axe and a ton of hair gel, definitely Taylor's.

I just want Matt to bring home someone new that isn't Taylor Caniff.

Authors note;
Sorry this chapter is so boring but I promise the Magcon boys are coming soon! Just bare with me and keep reading. It's worth it

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