Destroy What Destroys You

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"What are you doing Mook?"
"What do you mean?"
"Those IG photos, why did you put them up?"
"Which ones?"
"The ones in Nam and Sripanna."
"Oh? I thought I looked nice in them."
"I thought we agreed not to use them."
"I never did. Did we ever discuss it?"
Max sighed, running a palm over his face.
They were standing in the middle of the hallway.
Max did not even bother to sit down before confronting the actress in front of him.
"Ok, maybe not. But why post them? Why now?"
"Why not now? Don't you like them?"
"I was there in those pictures."
"You were?"
"You know what I mean," Max was slowly losing his cool, at Mook's blatant innocent façade, which was anything but, "you know I was within the same vicinity. That weird account is getting more and more attention, and now here you go posting pictures that can tie us together."
Mook shook her head and gave her signature wide eye look.
"Ohhhh... I don't think anyone would notice though."
"Someone will, people are smart nowadays, with vulture eyes."
"Should I have posted them at real time, then?" Mook's eyes went even wider, "and let your lovely fans know you ditched your handsome Phi on his birthday to spend time with me."

Max paled at that subtle threat.
And he slowly saw it.
The devil behind the doll.
"And better yet," Mook continued, the same eyes now glinting with subtle evil, "you actually spent the next day, my birthday, with me. And ditched your Phi all over again."
And as if in accordance with the best Thai ghost story, Mook gave the most eerie giggle ever.
Making Max's hair stand straight on his fair muscled arms.
"Are you crazy?" he could not help asking, "is that IG account yours?"
"Do you know that it's rude to call your girlfriend crazy."
"You're not my girlfriend."
"Not yet," Mook smiled and sashayed towards the kitchen, "would you like a glass of water?"
Would you like a tight slap? Max all but asked.
"Out with it!" he lashed out instead, "is that IG account your doing?"

"It's interesting, isn't it? That account?" Mook called out from the kitchen.
And Max could do nothing but go to her.
"Mook... please tell me it's not your doing," Max was still willing to accept Mook's innocence in this, wanting to hold on to the idea that Mek's little sister was the sweet little girl they always assumed she was.
Yet, she only smiled.
Not owning up, but not denying either.
"Shiaaa.... you are crazy," Max whispered, unbelieving the scene in front of him, reading what he saw.
Understanding what his gut feel was telling him.

"Don't say that again," Mook warned, "you'll regret it if you do."
"What are you doing, really?"
"Nothing, I just wanna keep seeing you," Mook smiled, "and my posts did that, didn't it? Brought you here. Even that crazy hate IG could not."
"I thought we agreed..."
"Again, I didn't agree with anything, I simply listened, like a good little sister."
"You're not making me choose between the two of you. You won't win," Max shook his head in disbelief, "in fact, it's not a choice at all."
"You don't have to choose," Mook smiled.
"You can keep both of us. Like you did with your previous girlfriend."
"Only that I want to show you off, as my boyfriend, out in the open," Mook said, "that poor girl was silly not to. To agree to be hidden away like that. How she must have suffered."
"You don't know her," Max said, starting to get angry, "and you don't know how I was with her. So, I suggest you stop spouting rubbish."
"You're right, I don't know her," Mook lifted an eyebrow, "none of the world out there either, because you did such a good job hiding her. But I won't be her."
"Then don't. You know how I am, so move on to the next willing male."

"But I don't want any other male, I want you."
Mook stealthily walked up to stand inches away from her prey.
"Why? Why me?"
"Why not you?"
"So many other guys out there..."
"Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately," Mook came up on tiptoes, bringing her face closer to his, her lips near his ears, "you're hawt... so so hawt."
And she stole a peck on his sharp jaw before moving away.
And while other men would probably die in heat, Max wanted to die from repulsion.
Automatically wiping the kiss away with the back of his hand.
An action that was not lost to the beautiful actress in front of him.
"I saw that," she scowled, turning her pretty face into un ugly contortion, "that was uncalled for."
She was the GMM princess, after all.
Every Thai man and the next were queuing to be with her.
Yet, this bear of a man had the gall to wipe her kiss away.
"What do you want, Mook?"
"What? No more Mookie?"
"Not in the mood."
"Good! I hate that name, if you must know, makes me sound like a child."
"Thanks for telling me then, Mookie," Max sneered, "cos that's exactly what you are. A spoilt brat of a child."
"Well, this spoilt brat of a child is here to teach you a lesson."

Love Undefined: A MaxTul Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now