Travelling Through Madness

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As promised, Max settled one pertinent issue before the end of the year.
Two days before Christmas, he met up with Mook at Ainu bar.

"I'm sorry if I ever gave you the wrong idea," Max started, "but I think we have to stop going out together."
"Because I don't want you to get the wrong idea."
"That we're dating?"
"That's ok, I don't think that we are."
"You don't?"
Whoa... the worry was all for nothing then, he thought.
"Oh, thank god," Max sighed in relief, "you're the greatest Mookie."
"Of course, I am," Mook replied, giving her signature sweet smile.
"Yes, you are," Max patted her on the head.
"But it's P'Tul, isn't it?"
"He made you do this."
"Yes, he's jealous of me, isn't he? Jealous of us."
And Max started to laugh.

The two of them were at the balcony of Ainu bar, while their other friends drank happily below.
"No, P'Tul is not jealous of you," Max grinned, finding the idea absurd.
If anything, it was always Max who always jealous of the men around Tul.
"In fact, he actually thought it would be a good idea for me to date you for real," Max smiled.

For real? What does that mean?
That it was all fake before?
"Why?" Mook asked innocently instead.
"Cos he didn't want you to be hurt or upset."
Sweet Perfect Pakorn, subtly getting everyone to drink from his palm.
Like a well-trained dog.
"But I told him there's nothing going on between us. We went for group outings, that's all."
Oh, there wasn't, was it?
"What about Nam Province then? And Barking Jac?"
I thought you were asking me as a special girl?
You even asked us to take separate flights, to avoid rumours.
Rumours will only start when there's something suspicious brewing, won't it?
Then, if you're taking me just as a friend, there shouldn't be anything to hide.
Nothing suspicious about friends going out together.
You're hiding me.
Just as you are hiding your Phi.

"Well, I wanted to ask Janra but I forgot she went back to Krabi."
Max did not have the heart that he would have asked any girl, to go with him that night, as well the trip to Chiangmai later - because he wanted Tul jealous.
But Mook was the most convenient one.
And making use of Mook like that, was making him feel like an asshole.
Especially when she was an innocent bystander in this.
"So you asked me instead?"
"Yeah, Paul wanted to look at some cultural stuff and I knew you wanted to look for accessories," Max quickly improvised, "same with Barking Jac."
He's lying, Mook thought, he's the worst liar.
"Am I a charity case?"
"Were you all feeling sorry for me because of Toy?"
"No Mookie, you're our Nong, it's our duty to take care of you," Max explained, "also when P'Tul kept leaving me behind, you were always there to cheer me up. Calling me, keeping me company, I feel indebted to you."

I actually chose you over Great, Mook thought, slowly getting angry, and you say you took me out cos you feel indebted???

In actual fact, she did see her outings with Max as them dating.
Max was a sweet guy, at times much sweeter than Toy.
And of course, sexier and better looking.
So, she considered him as a big catch.
She has been eyeing him even when she was still with Toy, since Max used to hang out with Mek once or twice.
And felt their fate was sealed when Max took her around in Chiangmai back in October.
Max was such a broody boi back then, and still was – and she felt it was a welcome change to Toy's good boy persona.
She thought him as cool.

Since then, she was always keeping a look out for him, liking his posts and getting Justin to recommend Max for the same product endorsements as hers – hoping that one day, they can really do couple promos like she did with Toy.
Mook still has not forgiven her ex for cheating on her, and hence wanted to quickly show he was replaceable too.
Hence, whenever she knew Foei, Great or Bhu wanted to hang out with Max, she asked to tag along.
Only to find out he was always in a bad mood for being left behind by his Phi.
So, she took the opportunity to slowly step in, starting as Max's cheerleader and shoulder to cry on, before hoping to seep into his heart for real.
Problem was, Great thought she had the hots for him.
As if, Mook, smirked internally. Yes, no doubt Great was handsome too, but he was slightly on the boring side. But I can't be too obvious with Max now, can I? He'd bolt in a heartbeat. So, maybe I'll play a little with Great too.

Love Undefined: A MaxTul Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now