My Downfall, My Muse

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Bhu: So... what do you think?
Grt: Of what?
Bhu: Are they, or aren't they?
Grt: They aren't.
MD: They are.
Foei: I saw Max checking out a waitress yesterday. Grt: So you saying they're not too?
Foei: Well, he was somewhat of a ladies man back in college. Leopards don't change their spots overnight y'know.
MD: But 5 years is hardly overnight.
Bhu: And I heard thumping on the wall last night.
Grt: Really?
Foei: That's just your brains, kiddo, trying to break free (lol).
Bhu: But don't you find them a little too realistic? Off screen. I mean. Forget about them on screen. That's just beyond the charts.
Foei: They're just good actors, dude. Them bros, just bros.
Grt: Yeah, bros who poke each other's asses and pinches each other's nipples. Alllll the time (lol).
Foei: Bros with benefits, then. That's possible, right (lol)?
MD: I don't know. I'm in the BL community. No one comes even close to these two. Chemistry and comfort, I mean.
Bhu: I know right..! It automatically gets hotter when they're near each other.
MD: And they complete each other's sentences. Like WTF..!
Grt: True dat. I always feel like the national third wheeler whenever I'm with them alone (lol).

MD: What are you talking about? Even when there are others around too! Everyone become instant third wheelers with those two (lol)

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MD: What are you talking about? Even when there are others around too! Everyone become instant third wheelers with those two (lol).
Bhu: And did you read Mae Nui's tweet? And P'Tul's answer?
MD: Yeah, I was thinking about it too.
Grt: What? I don't have Twitter. What did they say?
MD: Well, P'Nui said something like P'Tul is a jealous wife; but P'Tul replied he's not jealous but he does grumble.
Grt: He didn't deny the wife part?
MD: Nope.
Foei: Maybe he forgot?
MD: P'Tul? Ya think?

Foei: Maybe he forgot?MD: P'Tul? Ya think?

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MD: And... we know what sexy beasts they both are, with lots of female friends, yet have we ever heard of them dating?
Bhu: There was that Katya girl?
Foei: Which was more like a one night stand, tbh.
Bhu: That Grace whatever?
Foei: Just rumors. Nothing proven, not even to us. And what are you? A stalker or something? (Looking at Bhu)
Grt: Maybe P'Nui asked them not to. Dating, I mean. Y'know to preserve this BL ship thing?
MD: But TWMNC was two years ago, and they both acted in hetero roles after that.
Grt: That's true tho.
Bhu: So..? They are together (whines).
MD: We don't know Bhu, and really not our problem.
Grt: But they do share something special though, that's for sure.
MD: Yeah, I think we can all see that. It's quite sweet actually.

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