When We First Met: Tul's POV

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To be frank, I don't really care much for acting.
I'm not really good at it, in my honest opinion.
I just thought it'll be a good experience.
And since I know it won't interfere with my studies and go along nicely with my modeling stints, I thought, why not?
Well... it proved to be more difficult than I thought it would be.
But the company made sure I attended classes and workshops to improve.
And you know how I love learning something new.
To the fact that I think I enjoyed the learning more than the acting itself.
But the past three dramas were kinda ok.
It was just like going to work, mingle with the colleagues and back home again.
And once a production ends, so does my interactions with those so called colleagues.
Yup, just a job, that's all.
One that I'll probably leave once I find another better and more interesting one.
Like becoming a full fledged architect.
Or build my own business empire.
Or be a travel writer.
Now won't that be fun.

But till 2022, I'm tied to TT and this vocation, so I'll put as much effort on whatever projects they give me

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But till 2022, I'm tied to TT and this vocation, so I'll put as much effort on whatever projects they give me.
Like this one.
Bad Romance.
Whatever in the world crossed their mind when they asked me to take this role.
In fact even up til now, they're letting me make my mind up.
"Come see the boy we picked for you, na. Then you decide, ok?" P'Saii told me.
I really have to thank him for his generosity and understanding.
Other producers would just say - take it or leave it. And we'll slap a bridge of contract on you.
It won't be so bad maybe.
My past dramas haven't really broke any ceilings.
So I guess this one won't either.
Besides, the BL is just the side story.
The main love line would be helmed by Maeng and Tomo.
And I've met them a couple of times and they seemed like cool kids.
At the very least I'll have more people my age on the set this time. So maybe we'll have fun.
But a BL?
This will be a first.
I'm no homophobic, that's for sure.
Just never thought about it.
And definitely never thought of acting as one.
Tawan laughed when I told him I got a part as the BL couple in Bad Romance.
I really thought I was gonna play Cho.
And Maeng is one hottie.
Yet, I was given the part of Knock. One half of the BL sidekick. And the bottom one, no less.

"How did you end up as a bottom, dude?" Tawan laughed

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"How did you end up as a bottom, dude?" Tawan laughed.
"I dunno, man. And quit laughing. I'm having a hard time trying to get in character, as it is."
"In character? A bottom?" He laughed again. "You're such a bear, Tul. Your partner need to be a freaking Yeti to top you!"
And yes he is.
This Max Nattapol guy.
Yup, I looked him up.
I always do my homework.
I expected a suave sexy hunk.
But what I saw was a quiet, shy boy.
Albeit a big handsome one.
A little on the skinny side, but nothing a quick visit to the gym can't do.
I watched him secretly from the 2 sided mirror.
I made the pretext to speak to P'Nui when I arrived, but really I wanted to check out my new drama partner.
Well, we are gonna spend the next six months together. So yeah, I wanna see what kind of dude he is?
He was nervous, I could tell.

 So yeah, I wanna see what kind of dude he is?He was nervous, I could tell

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This will be his first drama.
And in a way the role, as controversial as it is, will either make or break him as an actor.
I found out he goes to Chula too. And is a cheerleader, which was how he got scouted apparently.
Chula is a haven for scouters.
Max is a business major and has a girlfriend.
So that made him safe, I guess.
I was wondering if my BL partner was a real life gay.
That would be awkward, wouldn't it?
But being straight yet playing a gay character would be awkward too, no?
Well, I'm sure P'Sii will get some coach to help us get into character.
Wait, did I just say we will?
Or rather, I will?
Take up the role, I mean?
But at this last minute, when everyone is already seated for the first reading - and I choose to back out. Won't that be unprofessional?
So I watched him again.
This boy. This new partner of mine.
It'll only be a few short months, won't it?
It'll be over before we even know it.
And since BL is getting traction with Hormones and LoveSick, maybe this will be good for TT and my career.
I saw Max wiped the sweat off his temple.
He reminds me of myself, kinda.
When I first started in this industry.
When everything seemed alien and everyone seemed distant.
And my heart goes to him.
This industry can be exciting but it can be cold too.
It didn't help that both chairs beside him were vacant.
One was for me, no doubt.
The other for P'Nui since there was a laptop open.
So, he didn't have anyone to talk to.
He looked lost in the sea of other people chatting and goofing around.
He looks like he needs a friend.
A brother.
Ok, that seals the deal then.
I'll do this.
I hope the intimate scenes won't be too painful.
I know there would be a few, at least.
There'll be no mouth to mouth kissing, thank god.
Pii promised me.
But non the less, I'll treat this as just another job.
Once the PD yells cut, I'm outa the studio.
OK, let's do this, then.
Let's go and meet your new partner, Tul Pakorn.
And let's hope he'll like you.

- End -

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