When We First Met: Max POV

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I never dreamed I would be an actor.
A comedian maybe.
Cos I was always 'the funny guy'.
'The awkward joe'.
'That big gangly boy'.
So yeah, a comedian, most probably.
Not an actor.
And definitely NOT the hot virile kind.
And NEVER in a BL.
Yet, here I am.
Sitting in a meeting room, full of experienced and aspiring actors and actresses, waiting patiently for the Producer, Director and the last main star to arrive.
Tul Pakorn.
Who in Chula Uni would not know Tul 'Mr Perfect' Pakorn.
Architect graduate, cheerleader, drum major - he was two years my senior at college.
He speaks three languages, plays numerous instruments and god forbid, sings.
Scouted at a college event, he went to work as a model and was snapped by TV Thunder as one of their main artistes even before graduating.
All that, while maintaining the Dean's Lists at school.
And to top it off - Tul Pakorn was unimaginably rich!
Though it was an open secret that he was the heir to one of Thailand's renown golf resort chains, he never showed  it.
Down to earth and highly likable.
Yup, Mr Perfect suits him just fine.
Gosh, I'm a nervous wreck.
Not only is this my first gig as an actor.
It's also with a beloved Chula senior - which will have the whole university eyes on me.
It's also sexually questionable.
Not that I have anything against the LGBT movement or anything, but you gotta admit, it is a tricky subject.
And I am known to be as straight as a rod.
So this might as well be as suicide mission where my acting career, and probably college life, would be.
Well, this would be Tul's first foray in a gay drama too, and we're not the main couple.
So, people may not even notice us, for all you know.
And Tomo and Maengmum are simply stunning.

And Tomo and Maengmum are simply stunning

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I'm sure they'll hold the fort well.
So yeah, people may not pay us much attention.
So maybe, I can take it as a learning curve for both of Tul and me.
I'm glad the script didn't suggest any sordid or sexy scenes or anything.
I can do hugging and cuddling.
Yeah, I can definitely do that.
All I know is that, if there would ever be THAT scene - I wanna be top, I wanna be top, I wanna be top.
But when we read the script the other night, Bam and I, the character Knock just screamed out my name.
Playful, erratic, forgetful.
And if reputation was anything to go by, Tul Pakorn was the very definitive of Korn.
Mature, dependable, kind.
Sigh... the others seem to be getting along happily.

What am I even doing here?I should have just concentrated on my studies

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What am I even doing here?
I should have just concentrated on my studies.
Not that I'm super good at it anyways.
Yeah, more time hitting the books would be good for me.
I wish Bam is here.
She'd tell me what to do.
Max groaned again.
Be a man, Maxii, you can do this. It'll be fun. I'm sure you'll get along well with everyone here.
Then, as if on cue, the door opened and in walked the director, producer and Tul.
Suddenly the already cheerful room seemed to glow even more.
And Max knew who had brought the extra light.
This was the first time Max saw his university legend at close range.
Tul was taller than he imagined, more handsome, more manly.
And Max could see hints of muscles rippling beneath his simple grey t shirt.

And Max could see hints of muscles rippling beneath his simple grey t shirt

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Ok, I guess I'd be bottom then, Max cringed.
After greeting everyone with warm smiles and formal salutations, Tul walked over straight to the empty chair beside him.
Shia! Why do feel like my heart is about to jump out of its cage.
Our eyes met as Tul walked confidently to the chair he knew was reserved for him.
Never did I imagine then, that the seat next to me would be forever reserved for him for the near future and a long time to come.
He smiled at me as he walked towards me, probably guessing how nervous I was at that moment.
But seriously though, the smile did not help.
I was probably gawking at him like a besotted teenager.
He's so pretty.
Prettier than Maengmum in my book.
And that as was as manly a compliment as I could come up with at that moment.
As Tul sat down, I remembered to close my gaping jaw.
He turned towards me and extended his hand for a handshake.
And his words sealed our fate forever.
"Hi, I'm Tul. I believe we'll be partners from today onwards," he smiled. "Please take care of me."

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