I Ain't Stupid

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"Ummm PPi?"
"Tell me about P'Inn."
Tul turned slightly to his right, looking at the sprawling giant boy beside him.
Max was taking more than half of his three seater, his back comfortably resting against Tul's shoulder and his hand pointing a remote towards the TV.
Sigh... Tul groaned inwardly. How do I know this question would pop up one day.

"What do you want to know?" Tul tried to sound nonchalant, yet at the same time thinking of how best to explain an incident that even he was still questioning.
They were both on the sofa in Tul's apartment.
The place has become Max's favourite hang out of late.
Often staying over instead of going back to his parents' place.
Tonight, like always, Max was being his usual coach patato self, surfing the cable channel.
While Tul was reading the marketing proposal of a potential business venture.

"I dunno?" Max shrugged.
He doesn't know what possesed him to finally ask the question.
It has been at the back of his head since forever, but he never had the guts to ask.
Until tonight.
It must be the beer, he thought.
And Tul's musky cologne.

"Like if the rumours about you and him is true," Max thread carefully, glad he was not facing hi PPi.
He could not pursue the interrogation if he had Tul's eyes on him.
"Umm... about you and P'Phat too."
The silence that followed the question was deafening.
Max could take the questions back, but he did not want to.
Tul and he were getting on handsomely.
Max could not have asked for a better bro to mentor him.
Not only in the entertainment world, but life in general.
Tul was experienced and thoughtful beyond his age, and Max felt like he was going through a second tertiary education - the university of life.
Being with Tul has made him more aware of what to do with his life, where to drive it, how to love and appreciate the people around him, to be more responsible, and much more.
And he was growing into that better and more matured version of himself.

Except when he was with Tul.
With Tul, Max just let everything go, loving the fact that his PPi will pick up after him, scold him, mother him, nurture him.
Yup, with PPi he wanted to remain as a just little boy while the other Max grow up in public.
Hence, he felt a little territorial where Tul is concerned.
Like a child with his mom.
A dongseng with his hyung.
He wanted everything that is Tul Pakorn to belong only to him.
Even his history.
That included Inn and Pat.
Max doesn't know them. Just what he heard on the grapevine or read on the social media.
They were the links that hinted at Tul's sexual orientation.
And Max wanted to know what it really is.
Because in the real world, Tul was as celibate as a monk.
Or at least from what Max can see and know.
Unless there was another side of his PPi that even he did not know.
Whatever Tul may do during that small window of 6 to 8 hours in a day that Max is not with him, at least.
If Tul alone is anything like Tul on business or on the road or at home with him, then that at least 6 hours will be reserved for his beauty sleep - leaving only 2 odd hours of unaccounted activities.
What can one do in 2 hours?
Plenty, I guess.
Sometimes your imagination just gets the better of you, boy, Max chastised himself.

"Well, sometimes rumours are more juicy than the truth," Tul's words stopped his overactive imagination mid way.
Max mulled over Tul's words.
"But yeah... did you like have relationships with them?"
Shia! Do you have to be so direct Max!
But like he's slowly admitting to himself.
He's getting territorial of Tul.
And he doesn't want to just wonder.
He wants to know.
Regardless what the real deal on him and the two guys were.
Did any of them hurt his PPi so bad that Tul Pakorn was single ever since Max knew him two years ago?

"Do I have a relationship with you?" Tul asked instead.
Fair enough question, I guess, Max thought silently.
What is a relationship, anyways.
"PPi... you know what I mean..."
Tul sighed, trying to dig in his memory.
His friendships with Inn and Phat seemed like a distant memory.

Love Undefined: A MaxTul Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now