If I Catch You

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Max's POV

This is the great Phat, huh?
I'm like a gazillion times better looking than him.
When did they become friends again?
I thought they broke it off?
Nope, bros don't break off.
Ok, so it's ok, just bros then.
But what's with that sullen look.
Strong and silent type, huh?
I can do sullen too, if I wanna.
Tan is sullen.
And I play him to the T.

And that guy!Look at him simping

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And that guy!
Look at him simping.
And whining.
And giggling.
Good Lord!
If I were Korn, I'd give him a smack on the head right now.

Good Lord!If I were Korn, I'd give him a smack on the head right now

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But unfortunately, I'm not Korn.
I'm Max.
And I'm so lost and out of place here.
A table full of rich, cool clever people.
Where PPi fits in like a glove.
I shouldn't have said yes to Tay.
But he was kind enough to ask me along.
And I would have said - thank you but you guys go ahead.
Until I saw his surprised face!
PPi's, not Tay's.

You don't want me to come along, huh, PPi?
Scared I'd burden you?
Or not cool enough to join your posse?
I'm just your dorky Nong who won't be able to join a convo with the big boys?
Your lil bro whom you hide in the closet.
Ok, that sounds weird.

Na ah.
I won't be hidden.
So I said yes to Tay.
Sure, I'll come along.
Thanks for asking.
And so here I am.
Wishing I had said no.
Virtually kicking myself in the mouth.

Kinda boring, if you're to ask me.
This group.
But they laughed at every silly joke.
Or nodded at every intelligent remark.
So, perhaps they're not so boring after all.
And you definitely can't call my PPi and even Tay as boring.
They're the coolest people I know.
So maybe it's not them.
Maybe it's me.
I don't fit
I'm not cool enough.
I mean I look cool and all that but I'm not, what's the word?
Intellectual enough?
Or classy enough?

The word is sophisticated.
Y'see, I even have to dig deep for the word.
You can't buy sophistication, you know?
It's inborn.
Like in all these guys and girls around the table.
And I must admit, I'm definitely not one of them here.
I don't belong.

I don't belong

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